Example sentences of "[adj] is the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 What is less clear is the significance of these differences for the practice of management .
2 Less clear is the question of whether mushrooms can be hunted to extinction .
3 What is not clear is the direction of any bias that might have occurred .
4 Slightly less clear is the effect of FSA , s 48(2) ( h ) , which authorises rules : " enabling or requiring information obtained by an authorised person in the course of carrying on one part of his business to be withheld by him from persons with whom he deals in the course of carrying on another part and for that purpose enabling or requiring persons employed in one part of that business to withhold information from those employed in another part . "
5 Equally heartening is the account of Cathy McCormack which combines the micro and personal with the wider , macro-issues of health and politics in Glasgow , Scotland , and in Nicaragua .
6 So mindless is the wiring of this sensible hygienic behaviour that a drop of oleic acid on an otherwise innocuous piece of wood or even on a live bee results in the removal of the offending object .
7 Not all the commentators on The Cantos have remarked how conspicuous is the absence of Virgil 's name and presence , among the numberless names and presences which jostle on Pound 's pages .
8 Most conspicuous is the practice of placing large rhomboids in the rectangular panels which lie adjacent to a central square — in two panels ( e.g. pls. 23 , 13 , and 11 ) or possibly in all four ( e.g. pI .
9 The low morbidity and excellent functional results of pouch construction with ablation of all colonic disease and the anal mucosa among patients with familial adenomatous polyposis make us believe that this is the operation of choice in most patients for this disease .
10 In the business world , it is felt that this is the degree of flexibility that is required .
11 An important factor that affects this is the degree of competition from rival suppliers .
12 Unbelievably , this is the title of the recipe page that features in the teenage magazine Popeye .
13 This is the title of an excellent book recently written and published by Janet Preshous ( society member ) dealing with life in Bishop 's Castle from the turn of the century until the 1920's .
14 This is the title of a book published in 1982 by the Oakwood Press .
15 This is the date of the annual Pensioners Get-Together at Hammersmith .
16 This is the date of today , it was n't in .
17 Chairman , you , you have in a sense already seen this item as part of your budget this morning , er , this is the transfer of payment from an appropriate sum er , other than from the Health Authority , to er , the Local Authority .
18 This is the portrait of a woman who captivated Ron Summerfields heart .
19 Whether that shame is yet moving them to have an impact on the men who they see perpetrating this sort of behaviour in colleges I do n't know , but certainly some of the undergraduates I have spoken to feel very embarrassed that this is the portrait of male behaviour that 's being perpetrated .
20 This is the line-up of worriers that Mr Helmut Kohl will try to soothe when he goes to Brussels this Friday .
21 This is the shape of our shape ,
22 ‘ I honestly believe this is the shape of movie future .
23 This is the shape of your world now . ’
24 No this is the colour of your hair .
25 This is the core of Data Comms .
26 This is the core of the appraisal .
27 Hilton embodies his sense of how the contemplative grows in love for Christ as God , in the image of Mary Magdalene reaching out to touch the risen Jesus who says : Hilton enlarges : It is this love , knowledge and worship which is experienced in the darkness ; the " lif vnseable " ( 30.102r. – 252 ) of the soul " as the gift of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost who : This is the core of contemplative knowledge , not the quasi-sensual experience of heat and sweetness and light which may accompany it .
28 This is the mirror-image of what the people who live in Copacabana say about Nova Iguacu .
29 In practice , it has been suggested that the C. and A.G. also has a close and effective working relationship with the Public Accounts Committee ; this is the committee of the House of Commons responsible for examining the public accounts it sees fit to examine and has the power to send for persons , papers and records .
30 Now the space A , 32 feet by 20 feet , must be your existing design as this is the size of the proscenium opening .
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