Example sentences of "[adj] is [vb pp] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If this is done for all i , and we write Xn for Xd , then unc so that the modal matrix Xn , chosen in this way , is orthogonal and we say that Xn is the normalised for of the modal matrix .
2 This is done for each concentration and each angle and the extrapolated points are then lines of and .
3 This is defended for numerous reasons .
4 Professional designers will come out with all sorts of advice but as this is intended for normal people I 'll suggest that you just go with what looks right to you .
5 This is increased for any synonym by at least half a revolution of the device .
6 This is needed for healthy skin and nervous system function .
7 Decoction : This is used for hard and woody plant material such as roots , rhizomes and barks .
8 This is used for minor acts of disorder such as shouting and swearing which is likely to cause alarm or distress , displaying abusive or insulting slogans or throwing over dustbins and banking on doors in the common parts of blocks of flats .
9 Although this is designed for individual use , its flexibility and generality are such that it is seen as worth describing here .
10 This is designed for those applicants who may not necessarily possess any of the qualifications usually presented by mature students , but who show evidence of appropriate achievement either in a related professional field or through other types of intellectual endeavour .
11 ( An average cost for this is shown for each hotel in the brochure . )
12 One bistable is needed for each bit — thus , a 4-bit counter ( able to count up to 1111 or 15 in decimal ) could be made using 4 flip-flops ( or 2 off 4013 's ) .
13 IBM Corp 's IBM Personal Computer Co has added two members in the IBM Speech Recognition Family , VoiceType Control for Windows and VoiceType 2 : VoiceType Control for Windows offers customers with an 80386SX processor and up the ability to manipulate the Windows 3.1 environment and existing Windows 3.1 applications with spoken commands such as File Save , Font Bold and Next Window ; VoiceType Control for Windows costs $130 , works with Sound Blaster audio boards , and is speaker-independent ; VoiceType 2 is designed for general dictation and input to MS-DOS applications , and enables users to continue to control their existing applications , such as word processing , databases or spreadsheet , simply by talking ; it comes ready to use with ‘ many popular software products such as Quicken , WordPerfect 5.1 , dBase and more ’ , and users can add their own commands ; VoiceType 2 , with the IBM M-Audio Capture and Playback Adaptor , runs on 80386SX and above personal computers and automatically adapts to a speaker 's unique voice pattern and allows for accents and other individual speech characteristics ; it costs $2,200 and will be available in late May .
14 The new density meter from Paar Scientific is designed for industrial production environments such as breweries , food and beverage , pharmaceutical , cosmetics , polymer , nuclear and petrochemical industries .
15 A score out of 10 is given for each set , the score being tallied as user progresses .
16 Much is exported for cheap roofing , used in Africa and Asia .
17 But this is due to an effect known as ‘ side echoes ’ ; a sonar frequency of 10 kHz or less is required for true sediment penetration .
18 ‘ If there is to be talk of a pool of ability , it must be a pool which surpasses the widow 's cruse in the Old Testament , in that when more is taken for higher education in one generation more will tend to be available in the next . ’
19 Lot forty one Edison Gem there it is , Lot forty one eighty is offered for this eighty pounds , ninety , one hundred one hundred against you now , any more ?
20 Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa Ltd blames a 5% fall in profits before charges for closure of some telecommunications operations on losses at the UK telecommunications subsidiary , Reuter reports , but the group will still commit another £200m to the UK unit this year , group chairman Li Ka-Shing said : ‘ I 'm not happy with the results , but we 'll still continue our commitment to the UK operation and pump more money into it , ’ he said — ‘ I 'm not sure the worst is over yet in the UK , which ate up all our Hong Kong profits this year ; ’ he said Hutchison will have invested over £500m in the loss-making UK unit , including the £200m that is earmarked for this year , but he refused to say at what point he will say enough is enough — ‘ It 's too early to say ; you can never tell when business will pick up . ’
21 The handbook , however , that is recommended for potential writers , You Can Write a Romance and Get it Published , breezily enjoins its readers to ‘ Remember that these are formula books tried and proved to be successful ’ and proceeds to outline the characterizations and plotting that are expected of the successful romance .
22 That is all that is required for plain partial knitting , side levers at I will permit knitting needles at B working position and side levers at O bring holding position .
23 All that is known for certain is that Sigmar eventually put aside his crown and journeyed eastwards , supposedly to Karaz a Karak to meet his old friend Kurgan Ironbeard .
24 Some other marines are reputed to be mouthbrooders , including Grammas and Jawfish , although little is known for certain about the breeding of many marine fish .
25 Little is known for certain about his early upbringing or education although we do know that John Howard was criticized for both neglecting him ( because of his many absences ) and for imposing an unduly repressive regime when he was at home .
26 This is a period about which little is known for few records survive of those days .
27 And Lot fifty six is the gramophone horn basket there it is , thank you , with the horn inside er fifty is offered for this , fifty five , sixty , five , sixty five pounds , any more ?
28 Lot eighty one is the Victor thank you , there it is now showing , Lot eighty one a hundred and fifty is offered for this , one hundred and fifty pounds , any more ?
29 Lot seven is the Andia Cockatoo loudspeaker now showing , there it is , thank you , Lot seven and two hundred is offered for this , two hundred pounds and twenty , two twenty forty , sixty two sixty now any more at two sixty , all done ?
30 Lot thirty five is the French phonograph now showing , Lot thirty five a hundred is offered for this , one hundred pounds and ten , one twenty , one thirty , any more at one thirty ?
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