Example sentences of "[adj] is [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly , this is causing concern amongst parents , teachers and some Government authorities .
2 Right ho hold on , so , so this is taking place within the village ?
3 The effect of this is to allow liquor to be provided for a further hour in the evening in a part of the premises set aside for people taking table meals provided it is consumed as part of the meal .
4 The obvious way to do this is to shine light on the particle .
5 This is called precession of the perihelion , and is not in itself curious because it had long been known that precession of the perihelion is one result of the gravitational influence on a planet 's orbit of all the other planets in the Solar System .
6 This is to take account of the new SVQs now available in sport and recreation .
7 If this is to take place at constant temperature and pressure , the Gibbs free energy of the whole system must remain constant .
8 There is , however , an alternative device which is in practice more commonly used ; this is repeated premultiplication by A of an arbitrary column unc as in 2.6.2 .
9 And we 'd say , ‘ This is Neverending Staircase off an unreleased Rolling Stones album . ’
10 This is to acknowledge receipt of your cheque for one place at the above at the member rate of Five Pounds ( £5.00 ) .
11 The reason behind this is having regard to the advice in the draft P P G thirteen and what we read in P P G twelve about erm trying to reduce dista erm distances travelled .
12 As the cost of funding a loan(s) fluctuates in the interbank market this is taken account of in the determination of interest rates payable by the borrower at pre-arranged reference date intervals of three , six or twelve months as set out in the loan contract .
13 This is to keep sight of the positives for so often professionals working with very vulnerable elderly people focus on the pathology and forget what the client may have going for her/him .
14 The reason they do this is to divert attention from the real problem — the crisis of capitalism manifested in economic failure and unrest ( see , for example , Hall et al. , 1978 , on mugging ) .
15 By this is meant placement of black children in white homes .
16 This is to provide visibility to both sides of the tank from separate rooms .
17 This is termed ego-strengthening in hypnosis and several sessions of such a therapy can be very useful in helping the patient to overcome emotional , mental or even , possibly , spiritual problems .
18 Perhaps the easiest way to begin to explain this is to consider design as a model in practice of human culture in general .
19 In 110 we find straightforward confession : Yet in the same sentence we find specious self-excuses : ‘ but , by all above ’ , — this unusual oath , calling the heavens to witness , is an anticipatory give-away — Well , the disbelieving reader will say , to claim that you betrayed your partner merely to test your love for him , which has supposedly been increased by the experiment — this is to add insult to injury .
20 yeah sort of Eng er how English is spoken sort of around er in different , you know , circumstances in private places and universities and television and
21 One dramatic concomitant is rising fertility among unmarried teenage girls , though changes in women 's education standards and work status can hardly be held accountable for such a sharp upswing in teenage fertility as the past decade has witnessed .
22 The greatest depth of the top surface of the Carboniferous is reached north of Hamburg ( more than 8000 m below sea level ) .
23 The subsection concludes by providing that Part IV of Schedule 2 is to have effect for determining whether suitable accommodation will be available .
24 Apart from the existing roundabout near Rhuddlan Golf Club , another is nearing completion outside the Sainsbury 's store .
25 One signal of worth is current pay , another is perceived performance in the current post .
26 ‘ Yes , he had a very good record in England but I feel hi is sacrificing skill at the expense of power — or brute force if one is to be honest about it . ’
27 The second is to test understanding by inviting someone else to summarize and check that their summary accords with the one you yourself would have given at that stage in the proceedings .
28 There are thus two possible lines of inquiry ; the first , the argument from descent , is to look to relationships likely to connect the human species with ape-like ancestors ; the second is to compare man with less closely related primates that have followed a similar evolutionary path in invading the savannah lands , an argument therefore by analogy .
29 The first is to construct the whole thing from scratch , using your own materials , but making use of standard sizes or door and internal storage systems ; the second is to make use of a wardrobe kit , which basically provides the door and the frame to make the wardrobe front , but allows you to choose your own internal fitments .
30 FROM the birth of radio astronomy in 1932 , when Jansky discovered cosmic radio waves and established that they come from the Galactic Centre , it has been clear that something very remarkable is taking place at the core of the Milky Way .
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