Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the back of one of my homemade guitars I used a bit of thin foam , rolled up tight , to hold a battery in place ; then I had a brainwave to use a piece of this and lay it across the springs , between them and the rear plate .
2 Often they say , ‘ I thought that I had been through all this and settled it in my mind ten years ago , yet here I am having to come to terms with the same issue all over again . ’
3 He read this and showed it to his wife and on the following day asked questions .
4 ‘ I knew you had obtained this and gave it to … er …
5 She lifted off a heavy daily and brought it to me .
6 Indeed , Hamilton suggested crisply that they had got it wrong and left it at that .
7 She folded the silver square of wrapping paper in half and made it into a little boat .
8 And things like Time Out and so on , and City Limits , tried on the listings in the culture front seem to be seduced by , on the one hand , the need to simply provide information in terms of the listings , or then they felt some kind of twinge of conscience and had to be counter-balanced by radical politics on the other side , which produced a completely split , a paper that you could tear in half and read it as two sort of separate things , and erm and they always erm and something like that always felt
9 His eyes went to her head and he snatched her hat free and flung it into the back of the car .
10 He pulled the small plastic box free and laid it on top of the crate , fumbling in his jacket pocket for something .
11 Scott reached slowly inside his jacket then pulled the Beretta free and handed it to Hitch , who gripped the automatic in his fist and checked that the magazine was full , slipping it from the butt .
12 The sentence trailed off as Hitch pulled the Beretta free and aimed it at the crewman .
13 I pulled it free and found it to be sand-frosted and pear-shaped , like the one Nicky had shown me .
14 He pulled the pistol free and shoved it against Hitch 's cheek .
15 He pulled the video-cassette free and gripped it in his free hand , the pistol still trained on the tall
16 He poured her some and handed it to her .
17 Teesdale District Council turned down an application for the sign on the ground of it contravening the town area local plan but the inspector said it was acceptable and allowed it for the next five years .
18 We submitted a manuscript in August 1991 and revised it in October in the light of minor criticisms by the referee(s) , whose report was highly supportive .
19 Unfortunately , very few people will appreciate just how much time , effort and sheer innovative thinking has gone into making the engine look similar to how it would look had we merely pressure washed the outside and mounted it for display .
20 I licked and rolled , then lit the joint and handed it to Carol .
21 He thus pioneered in this country the discursive , witty , exuberant , and surrealist style of humour he bequeathed to his close friend J. B. Morton [ q.v. ] , who took the column over in 1924 and developed it through half a century into an art form .
22 The Dane Valdemar Poulsen invented his ‘ Telegraphone ’ in 1898 and patented it in 1900 , but ( as with commercial electrical recording ) amplification was needed before it could become practicable .
23 Now Lizzy had taken all that her grandmother held dear and dragged it through the dirt .
24 That was my understanding and I got it right and discussed it with him
25 Son a Southwark hat manufacturer , Vaughan purchased Constable 's ‘ Haywain ’ from Christie 's in 1866 and presented it to the National Gallery , London that year .
26 One may summarize the conclusions reached with respect to , and within the terms of , the traditional account of the Muftilik as follows : ( a ) that Fahreddin Acemi remained as Mufti , whether in Edirne or Istanbul , until his death , which occurred probably not later than 873/1468 ; ( b ) that he was succeeded by Abdulkerim , who seems likely to have resigned or been removed about 878/1473–4 ; ( c ) that Molla Husrev succeeded to the office about 878/1473–4 and held it until his death in 885/1480–1 ; ( d ) that he was succeeded by Molla Gurani in 885/1480–1 ( but cf. below , pp. 144–6 , 150 ) , who retained the office until his death in 893/1488 ; and ( e ) that Molla Arab succeeded Molla Gurani in that year and remained Mufti until his death in 901/1495–6 .
27 and general behaviour we was really a lot improved because erm they had taken all their normal food like Mars bars and stuff like that and replaced it with like healthy food and er all the coke machines they replaced with like fresh fruit drinks .
28 It is likely that he knew that and said it with all the more relish .
29 And wrote it like that and published it like that .
30 Like that and set it on Q.
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