Example sentences of "[adj] and [adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
2 The line reach Garth in May , Llanwrtyd in June 1867 and finally Llandovery in October 1868 , having traversed the two most significant engineering problems on this section — the Sugar Loaf tunnel and Cynghordy Viaduct .
3 The thin , external walls of the chimneys are porous and so oxygen from the outside atmosphere diffuses in .
4 for children 's and teenagers ' wellbeing — they have to learn rules , roles and skills in order to develop self-esteem and self-control , and these attributes are , in the end , liberating and also signs of growing maturity ;
5 ( July 24-Aug 23 ) Your ruler the Sun takes a swipe at Neptune on October 2 and then Jupiter on the 3rd .
6 There are 5 arm spines obscured by thick skin ; when denuded they appear glossy and quite rugose with large secondary points along the shaft of the spine .
7 This is a curved surface in a moving airflow which simply bends the wind , causing a pressure difference between the windward and leeward sides of the sail .
8 His models attempt to describe in formal mathematical terms the replacement of a population of one species by another and also situations in which pairs of species persist together as stable , mixed populations .
9 If you stay in the same place then the whole process of sexual reproduction means that indeed there are uniform populations which are hybridizing with one another and then barriers to other hybridizing population , but not if you move about .
10 Canny Ulster investors showed their preference for saving rather than spending during the recession , putting £204m into the societies ' coffers last year , compared to £175m in 1991 and just £61m in 1990 .
11 The maximum number of new shares which may be issued under the schemes is restricted to 5% of the issued ordinary share capital over the first five years ending in 1991 and thereafter 3% over any three year period .
12 To begin with I found the playing a little mannered , although I soon became involved in the thoughtful and musicianly approach of these artists .
13 Being a Special is unpaid and therefore commitment to the job is all important .
14 Erm so who do we put into the suggestion of perhaps you will look at that with a very serious and maybe sort of er or by to take seventy three million .
15 The impressions gained from the WHO collaborative studies on the relationship between maternal age and the capability of fetus to survive the early and intermediately period of gestation are supported by more reliable national data from a European country .
16 He joined the bank as an accountant in 1881 , and rose to become managing director in 1898 and also chairman from 1908 to 1919 .
17 This is what is normally called the problem of social order , and of course it 's been around in philosophy and , and social sciences , really since the beginning , and er , some of the greatest and earliest works of er , social philosophy like Plato 's Republic , are really in part about this er question .
18 Najibullah , the PDPA general secretary since May 1986 and hitherto Chairman of the Revolutionary Council Presidium , was on Nov. 30 , 1987 , elected by the Loya Jirga as President of the Republic and C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces for a ( renewable ) seven-year term [ ibid . ] .
19 Her heart had been beating fast and her hands were shaking , but as he kissed her and his body pressed close against hers , the length of his body hard against hers , those signs of fear gradually ceased and she grew weak and curiously fluid in his arms .
20 Only 5ft 8ins tall and under 10st in weight , he covers the ground quicker than anyone I have recently seen , with the exception of one he resembles , South Africa 's Jonty Rhodes .
21 After the nest is complete and around 30cm in diameter , the male nudges the female under it and egg laying begins .
22 I gathered together the various sawn-up and wrenched-apart pieces of putter and put them in a drawer .
23 When you start is to do a thing , put that mallet down like that and then line up the which you need to go .
24 Some 30pc of them have switched to Labour and around 8pc to the Tories .
25 These apparent food sensitivities were often not persistent and only 24% of patients identified the same food on rechallenge , and 15% of patients had positive double blind challenge .
26 After retirement these expectations may no longer even be relevant , yet habits die hard and probably patterns of caring have already been established which will go on exerting an influence even though there is no longer any need .
27 So I live with a constant and uncomely reminder of folly and failure , and no doubt it does me good .
28 Water condition : Soft and slightly acid to slightly alkaline , with up to 10 DH and a pH of 6.6–7.6
29 Just get hold of the aerial and just sort of twist it round and see if you can a good enough picture .
30 A shift to kerosene is very costly and nowadays fuel for cooking may absorb to up to 15–20 per cent of a poor household 's income ( see Schroeder 1977 , Ives 1981 ) .
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