Example sentences of "[adj] and i [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 To imagine that there is er a great undercurrent of violence inside our football grounds is now quite wrong and I think the game is n't getting enough credit for the way in which it 's tackled it .
2 ever so old and I lost the thing
3 Trainee chef Tom Wilkinson , 20 , said : ‘ The action sequences were entertaining and I rated the whole thing as pretty good . ’
4 As the population becomes older , it also becomes wealthier and I draw the hon. Gentleman 's attention to the fact that the average pensioner has increased his or her income by 33 per cent .
5 ‘ The other man 's grass is always greener and I had the opportunity when I was younger to work abroad .
6 Afterwards , while the congregation said the rosary , praying for an end to the war , I heard individual confessions — confessions in wartime are particularly painful and I find the experience more harrowing than any other of my duties as a priest .
7 Look , it 's alright to have a bit of fun with this , but the matter is deadly serious and I use the word deadly advisedly .
8 ‘ No diet is easy and I found the first few days hard , but by the end of the first week my skin became clearer , my nails grew stronger and my hair was healthy and shining .
9 He explained : ‘ It sleeps six and I let the other five beds to other pros .
10 The King 's Cross scheme may not be perfect and I respect the views of local Members who say that it is far from perfect .
11 In other words , I mean I 'm retired and I mean the point is that my erm experience goes back into the er into the dark ages I can almost say because in these days , you probably realise , I mean if anybody buys a video you do n't ask you do n't look for the book of instructions you ask about a five year old kiddy how to programme it !
12 Now I am in year eleven and I have the main female role in a production we are doing next year , and rehearsals for next year 's school play are in full swing .
13 However , I realised that his chances of racing that year were only 50–50 and I told the owners this .
14 I was shaking , shivering and sweating and I had the most awful pain going through my body .
15 He said that this would be unnecessary and I got the distinct impression that I should not ask any more questions about it but be content that I had got my letter back .
16 Last night I sat up last night to watch that George Foreman fight and they had to put football on before it and I fell asleep and I missed the bloody fight !
17 I had a huge living room that needed repainting and so I invited a few friends along , asked them to bring a paint-brush each and I supplied the food and drink .
18 Said Piper : ‘ I 'm confident because I believe Benn is beatable and I have the ability to do the job . ’
19 Piper said : ‘ I believe Benn is beatable and I have the ability to do the job . ’
20 The late David Penhaligon argued for a separate constituency in nineteen seventy eight and I argued the case in select committee in nineteen eighty eight and the most important fact about these responses is the sheer weight of numbers from democratically elected bodies in Cornwall .
21 Chelsea manager Ian Porterfield was just as happy saying : ‘ It 's now seven wins in eight and I want the lads to believe in themselves .
22 No , built that and I know the guy so I could get to the plans .
23 I love the colour of that and I love the sound off it .
24 I fully understand that and I recognise the justifiable pride which people in Grampian have in the services provided and in the developments which have taken place in conjunction with the medical school .
25 Well that and I think the house you know was sort of
26 This I think is actually more likely to get people to register to vote , I think regardless of any party affiliation you all have something to benefit from that and I suspect the vast majority of members of the council will see that any well designed leaflet that gets people to put themselves on the register is to the benefit of democracy .
27 When I first heard the first noise I thought what the bloody hell 's that and I turned the sound down .
28 I cleared that and fixed the vice up and they said I could do that and I used the and that in their place and er then they had to quit the premises completely , did n't they ?
29 You 'd think no-one else had ever made a film except him and you can see him coming on all good mates with the crew so they 'll make things easier for him when he gets in front of camera , so he looks five years younger and I get the shiny nose .
30 Then they condemn themselves as well and until society can say that 's perfectly alright , that 's a good situation to be in , whoever it is you 're living with , and that you as a child are okay and are valued then the children themselves will be okay and I think the Sco , we lose some of the erm secondary deprivation and emotional deprivation that children in single parent families
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