Example sentences of "[adj] and [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I 've had this twice and each time its been , its been other people , because his got a lot of goods people 's belongings out of one cupboard into another and the second time round there 's been purgatory because he brought Karen 's house , her hoover and the saucepans and everything that was his , everything that belonged to him but he said that before , I said why was Michelle able to jumped in between him and Karen , he said well Karen had been getting moody , and he said Karen was getting bored , Paul is boring , she 's told Paul that his boring boring .
2 During the nineteenth century , the population of the country grew by three and a half times .
3 And say three and a half times sixty .
4 A different expression of a roughly similar tendency can be seen in the fact that the total production of books in Russia during the years 1762–1800 was about three and a half times that in the entire period from the introduction of printing down to 1761 .
5 It is going to be nine and a half times the footprint of Hambleton three and a half times the footprint of Brayton Bath it will tower in its mass beside them and it is totally unreasonable and wrong for anybody to describe it as merely of local concern .
6 By 1736 the population of the town of Sheffield stood at 10,121 , which was about three and a half times higher than it had been a couple of generations earlier in 1672 .
7 Suicides by vets are more than three and a half times the average for all groups , says the latest issue of Population Trends from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
8 The tenders should be totally confidential and a closing time and date stated .
9 Under the Purnells ' control , this was a busy and a profitable time in the history of Fromebridge ; however , around the beginning of the l9th century , the company ran into problems .
10 We need to get between ten and a hundred times lower ’ .
11 ‘ It was a magical time , young and daft and a full time sportsman , but you certainly were n't making your fortune , ’ recalls Malcolm Scott .
12 Base rate was on Sept. 22 further reduced to 9 per cent ( its lowest level since mid-1988 and the first time since 1981 that it stood below the German Lombard rate ) .
13 Well the working in the pit and the first and the first time I went down the pit er the pit was er John Watson 's number four colliery in Motherwell .
14 It is going to be nine and a half times the footprint of Hambleton three and a half times the footprint of Brayton Bath it will tower in its mass beside them and it is totally unreasonable and wrong for anybody to describe it as merely of local concern .
15 On any day towards the end of the campaign , those who had been very interested in politics just before the campaign opened were one and a half times as likely to read a paper , and twice as likely to watch both BBC-TV and ITV news , as those with no interest in politics ( Chapter 3 ) .
16 Their volume of production was one and a half times greater , and they were engaged chiefly in clothing , woodwork , skins , and agricultural repairs .
17 It was calculated from a breath test taken then that he was nearly one and a half times over the limit for driving at the time of the accident .
18 It can be seen that the trie was in fact faster to search than the reduced memory tree in all three cases , however it uses more memory ( approximately one and a half times as much as the reduced memory tree ) .
19 Boots ( retail division ) may consider giving employees moving from low-cost to high-cost areas a loan of up to a maximum of one and a half times the employee 's expected first year 's gross salary .
20 The tax-free lump sum , if you choose to take it , can not be more than one and a half times salary .
21 Prior to the 1987 Budget , the only restriction that applied was that the maximum was set at one and a half times salary .
22 In addition , as users pay one and a half times more per MIPS on an upgrade than on a new machine , their investment is not protected .
23 Leading brake manufacturers AP Lockheed calculate riders hit more than 1.5g under braking , which means weight of rider and machine is increased one and a half times .
24 We attempted to investigate , briefly , some aspect of ‘ way of life ’ and found Blacks and Whites had , on average , gone out just under three evenings in the previous week and Asians only one and a half times .
25 artwork one and a half times the size which it will be reproduced .
26 Public spending in the USA is higher than in the UK ; the US spends nearly one and a half times that amount in addition on private medical benefits , yet health outcomes in the two countries are broadly comparable .
27 This tape will achieve a satisfactory curtain fullness with a minimum of one and a half times the track length using a thick fabric , but double fullness is preferable , particularly with lightweight fabrics .
28 A detachable lining which can be removed and washed separately need not use the same fullness as the outer curtain ; one and a half times the track length can be sufficient .
29 The ratio of Mercury 's orbital and axial sidereal periods means that , as illustrated in Figure 7.2 , for every orbit of the Sun Mercury rotates one and a half times around its axis .
30 In 1954 , mortality was highest among the infants born to the oldest mothers — 45 years old or older ( 122.8 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in the same maternal age group ) : the rate was almost one and a half times higher than the mortality in the second highest risk group ( 85.9 ) on the other end of the reproductive period ( i.e. infants born to women under 17 years of age ) .
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