Example sentences of "[adj] of [art] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Armed with these and other detailed structural pictures , we may at last be able to get a handle on some of the many and complex eukaryotic transcriptional control mechanisms at the molecular level .
2 In briefing senior managers about appearing on television , for example , attention must be paid to many of the aspects of communication which have been considered in this assignment — the importance of appearance and hair style , the use of non-verbal language , choice of words , tone , pauses and so on : some of the many and complex elements that combine as part of what we call ‘ communication ’ .
3 An excerpt from the list of source node names which shows some of the most and least frequent names
4 An excerpt from the list of target node names which shows some of the most and least frequent names
5 Every time the animal steps down it received a mild electric shock ( yet another of the less than pleasant learning tasks which experimental psychology finds it necessary to employ ) .
6 But at a time when tunes from bourgeois sources were increasingly popular and when traditional , so called ‘ folk ’ tunes were in decline , certainly in the music hall , Corvan used comparatively few of the former and actively retained many of the latter .
7 He was guilty of no more than his usual exaggeration when , at the age of twenty-four , he announced to a friend that he had read ‘ almost every thing ’ .
8 Lukic was guilty of no more than a challenge for a 50–50 ball with the speeding Rob Jones around the 18-yard line .
9 It is available now , but has not had the take up that Windows has enjoyed — one cynical comment has it that of the less than half million copies actually in use , the better part were given away — and yet it is a very capable operating system with some excellent features .
10 The diversity of munition products is exemplified by , on the one hand , the gun and aperture sights for the American Lewis guns , high precision work ( they had to be correct to less than a thousandth part of an inch ) of which 27 , 900 were produced , and on the other hand the unpacking and assembly of the American-manufactured Mercer and Hyster Mobile Cranes , 169 of the former and 207 of the latter being dealt with in addition to 37 Elwell Parker Lift Trucks .
11 Explosives were found in nearly all of the latter and there had been twenty fires in them between 1 November and 26 December 1921 .
12 Nearly all of the former and two in three of the latter went straight into jobs after they were made redundant .
13 From Penhill Crags , where the only bones I saw were those of a less than gigantic sheep , we walked by the disused quarry to Stony Gate and the old drove road of Morpeth Gate , now a peaceful broad green lane and very pleasant walking .
14 The Black Land had never condemned men or women who loved their own kind , or those who crossed the frontiers between loving those of the same and the opposite sex ; but minorities formed fraternities , and members of the clubs would do each other good turns when they could .
15 Nelson 's experience was of an organisation that had its regular human share of good soldiers , time-servers , wasters , whiners , climbers , saints , piss-heads and heroes ; and when the pressure was on , probably more of the latter than it was fair to expect .
16 soc : And I suppose you 'd like more of the same so you can go on pinpointing variation and replicate the studies which have been done to show the same thing in different places , or maybe to include a few more explanatory variables in your statistical model ?
17 Labour at the moment offers ‘ more of the same but better ’ .
18 More of the same but more visitors from London and Brighton etc .
19 There was much more of the same but it was not long before she found what she was looking for .
20 Do join Kirsty , Lloyd , Kathleen Long and me for more of the same but different at five to one tomorrow .
21 This means that seven times out of ten the provision of clarification or information results in more of the same or requests for more .
22 Individual deterrence occurs when someone commits a crime , is punished for it , and finds the punishment so unpleasant or frightening that the offence is never repeated for fear of more of the same or worse .
23 Rugby Union : Black knights move on the Welsh pawns : Steve Bale predicts more of the same as rugby union 's champions , New Zealand , arrive on their tour today
24 No doubt we 'll be hearing more of the same as the week goes on .
25 The Labour Party , dominated by the free trade philosophy of Philip Snowden , offered more of the same and was barely distinguishable from the Conservatives in the economic policies they offered — except for the Conservative Party 's references to ‘ safe-guarding of industry , ’ a code-phrase for selective protectionism .
26 erm Well not really because erm I believe erm that one was erm one of a few that survived at the erm time of the change of the erm Prime Minister .
27 The Chairman , for example , was one of no fewer than five Irish Americans to have held the top job in UM .
28 That victory was a first in a Grand Slam tournament for Panatta , one of no fewer than 14 players since ‘ 77 to have made winning Grand Slam debuts in Paris .
29 He told Sharpe his patrol was one of the many that daily scouted south to the French border and beyond ; this particular troop had been ordered to explore the villages south and east of Mons down as far as the Sambre , but not to encroach on Prussian territory .
30 F/L Selwyn Alcock was a pilot with 83 ( PFF ) Squadron , he was never famous , never a national hero , just one of the many that came from obscurity and passed into oblivion .
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