Example sentences of "[adj] when [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The grand alliance of OSI became public in May 1985 when a meeting of 20 computer companies , dominated by US rivals of IBM , met in conference and established the Corporation for Open Systems .
2 This was still the practice by the 1830s when a tide of emigrants left Europe for Australia , New Zealand and California .
3 Thus in 1802 when a group of spahis called on the Serbs to join them in resisting the dayis very few Serbs responded .
4 This protracted crisis began on 17 March 1808 when a mob of soldiers , peasants , and palace grooms forced Charles IV to dismiss Godoy , found hiding in terror in a rolled-up carpet ; two days later another mob forced Charles IV to abdicate in favour of his son , the Prince of Asturias who became Ferdinand VII .
5 Even then abolition was not completed until the early 1890s when the number of landless and dispossessed peasants and rural labourers increased dramatically .
6 Halling Church remained a small building with a low spire until 1877 when the whole of the nave was rebuilt .
7 The fatal accident occurred on 5th December 1898 when a fall of earth trapped George Robinson against a tipping wagon , breaking his back .
8 It is hoped that the first phase of the project will have been completed by 1991 when the excavation of the village will have been finished and at least three properties will have been totally reconstructed .
9 Elaine and George were sitting in their lounge watching South East at Six when the story of Louise Butler 's disappearance came on the air .
10 He was rewarded on 16 April 1660 when the council of state outlawed all news-books except his pair .
11 It began to break down by the 1790s when the pressure of a growing population and insufficient work meant that over a fifth of the labour force was virtually permanently unemployed .
12 Formerly known as managing clerks , this body of employees has been known as legal executives since 1963 when the Institute of Legal Executives was established .
13 The proportion of one parent families living ‘ on the margins of poverty ’ has increased since 1979 when a half of all one parent families had incomes below 140 per cent of sb .
14 A tribute to the Punks and Anti-Nazi campaigners who battled hard on 29th June 1979 when a group of National Front members invaded a rave at Acklam Hall , Ladbroke Grove , West London .
15 The opportunity for unification came in 1859 when the Kingdom of Sardinia — the island of Sardinia itself , together with Piedmont , Savoy and territory around Nice — sided with France in a war against Austria .
16 It was worn on 21 November 1673 when the Duke of York married Mary Beatrice d'Este , daughter of the Duke of Modena .
17 Susan Mayor , head of Christie 's Costume and Textiles department commented : ‘ Costume of this date is rare but seventeenth-century royal costume is surprisingly rare , and this piece can be dated exactly to a single day , 21 November 1673 when the history of England hung in balance .
18 But its real take-off period was the 1870S when the introduction of a new cooling apparatus and the addition of chemical preservatives to the milk enabled it to be transported very long distances while remaining fresh .
19 The pervading aura of peace was interrupted only in the early 1870s when an army of men carved a railway throughout its length , since when an undisturbed tranquillity has prevailed .
20 Over the years these monastic institutions acquired a particular expertise in the embalming of bodies , an example of their handiwork being discovered in 1969 when the coffin of Archbishop Godfrey de Ludham ( d. 1265 ) was opened in York Minster .
21 This requirement was made explicit in 1946 when the Bank of England was nationalized .
22 They are the latest development in an initiative which began in 1975 when a group of industry representatives launched the Site Management Education and Training Scheme .
23 He protested and his protest was considered on 2–8–1862 when the minute of removal was cancelled .
24 It began in 1976 when a team of three educationists was appointed .
25 Belgium announced a freeze on loans to Zaïre on May 25 , 1990 , following Belgian press reports that some 50 students died on May 11 when a unit of the presidential guard suppressed anti-government demonstrations at Lubumbashi University in the south of the country .
26 It was saved in 1962 when a group of enthusiasts , led by Dean Hughes , formed a committee to organise the event .
27 Werner Reichert , of Egremont Road , Whitehaven , joined the Company in 1950 when a number of skilled German weavers were recruited and is now only one of two left .
28 ‘ Our Association was formed in November 1981 when a group of concerned people got together at a public meeting in Llandrindod Wells .
29 One of the most infamous of all football riots took place in Glasgow in 1909 when a crowd of around 6,000 invaded the pitch at full time .
30 The effects of post-war social trends became visible by 1952 when the number of Tutorial Classes and University Sessional classes declined relatively as the number of Terminal courses increased .
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