Example sentences of "[adj] begin [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most experimental studies of sleep now allow subjects a night of acclimatization to laboratory conditions , so that on their first night they are wired up in the usual way , but whatever recordings made are discarded , and the experiments proper begin on the second night .
2 The recovery of a piece engraved with a horse 's head from the reindeer-hunters ' station of Meiendorf , north-east of Hamburg , shows indeed that this began during the final stage of the Ice Age .
3 This began on the 14th of September 1824 .
4 My own interest in this began in the late 1970s as the situation was beginning to worsen .
5 This begins with a blue divider ; look at it first , to see if it contains the name of the statute you are after .
6 Retitled The Last Enemy and published in England the following June , this begins with a vivid account of Hillary 's final flight .
7 This begins with the basic rule : Article 50 gives a quite strict definition of civilian , and Article 51 outlaws attacks on the civilian population and indiscriminate attacks .
8 It seemed a bit risky to begin on the main pieces of work , so I made a separate swatch .
9 The new year of 1946 began with a bitter chill across England .
10 Sonnet 143 begins with a leisurely analogy involving a housewife putting her child down in order to pursue a runaway chicken .
11 ART TREASURE tours all begin in the same way .
12 It all began in the early hours when it 's alleged the car failed to stop at a police check and sped off through the city centre and out along the Botley Road .
13 Forgetting his appointment with a client , Stevens read on : ‘ It all began in the 1970s when oil prices quadrupled .
14 Chapter 4 begins with a brief description of the modes of assessment used and contains the main body of the results of testing .
15 As a result of that meeting , the leaders agreed to meet together to discuss the obstacles in the way of further political dialogue in the hope that new talks might be able to begin at an early date .
16 Chapter Ten begins with a brief outline of the economic determinants of consumer demand .
17 C&P 's sites have steadily reduced their liquid discharges thanks to a series of improvement programmes which first began in the 1970s .
18 The 1990s began with a dramatic upturn of the fortunes of thousands of prisoners of conscience across eastern and central Europe .
19 Psalm 1 begins with a graphic contrast between two entirely opposed ways of life :
20 The whole great crime story wave that began in the last years of the nineteenth century and rose to its towering peak in the 1920s and 1930s began with the short story .
21 Verses one and two begin with the heartfelt encouragement : ‘ Come , let us sing for joy … .
22 1882 began with a fresh wave of enthusiasm .
23 Einstein 's general theory of relativity , on its own , predicted that space-time began at the big bang singularity and would come to an end either at the big crunch singularity ( if the whole universe recollapsed ) , or at a singularity inside a black hole ( if a local region , such as a star , were to collapse ) .
24 Part Two begins with a synoptic review of the basic categories highlighted by the discussion of ontological objects , experiences and objective order in Part One , viz. identity , individuality , unity of biographical time , error and plurality .
25 In social research the term ‘ interview ’ is used to describe a wide range of differing things and it is best to begin with a simple definition which focuses on the essential meaning of the word .
26 It is best to begin with the second case .
27 The 24 January was a Friday and the hearing was due to begin on the following Monday .
28 Also , a truce between the Provisionals and British authorities was due to begin in a few hours .
29 The crowds of buyers , who apparently did not share their view , were moving out now to the lawn where the sale was due to begin in a large marquee .
30 Deliveries of the new jet — which is designed to tap the market for business aircraft with an intercontinental range — are due to begin in the first quarter of 1991 .
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