Example sentences of "[adj] mean that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This meant that fund-raising news and any other news about the deaf was in the forefront of everyone 's attention .
2 This meant that each subject area covered , from economics through to emergency planning , always ended with several days of ordinary people getting up to have their say .
3 Because of its target-towing days in Sweden the rear cockpit was slightly non-standard , this meant that new perspex panels had to be manufactured to bring the rear cockpit back to Mk 1 configuration , the target cable guides on the tailplane were removed and the tailplane restored to standard fit .
4 This meant that new buildings would often incorporate , for example , safety-oriented features such as computer-controlled fire alarm and sprinkler systems which not only reduced the risk of fire but , when fire did break out , ensured it was containable until the emergency services arrived .
5 This meant that used water was not directly plumbed into the outside drain but linked into the sink waste .
6 This meant that criminal laws were clarified and in some countries codified , as both Beccaria and Bentham advocated , but leaving a greater degree of flexibility and judicial discretion than either would have found congenial .
7 This meant that substantial building-up would be needed , to allow the water to escape .
8 This meant that reserve assets had to be at least 12½ per cent of eligible liabilities .
9 Mr Patten said this meant that all releases of waste from large industrial processes would be considered together before a discharge licence was granted .
10 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
11 None of this meant that American companies were no longer interested in financing British filmmakers or even British ideas , but they were no longer committed to doing so , and did n't expect to be sufficiently involved to justify keeping offices in London .
12 Thucydides wanted to give a wholly reliable account of the wars between Athens and Sparta ; and this meant that unverified assumptions about the past had to be excluded . ’
13 This meant that most Liberals remained resolutely opposed to the idea that the Liberal Party had to change its policies to fit the new problems facing society .
14 The scientists were being cautious and so were the civil servants ; this meant that British politicians could happily continue to struggle over familiar issues until 1988 when a devastating drought enabled scientists in the USA to get the ear of the Senate and pour into it a story sufficiently sensational to alarm the rest of the Western world .
15 As the fashionable trade came in so more thought had to be given to subject-matter and to technique and in America this meant that short films had to be replaced or shown in conjunction with multiple-reel films as already pioneered by European film-makers .
16 This meant that any extraction procedure was much cleaner and more satisfactory : the mould might provide some tiresome debris , but at least the medium did not add the viscous remains of stale meat soup .
17 This meant that any statement that was not susceptible of testing was simply not scientific .
18 This meant that any Gascon appealing against the verdict of one of the sub-seneschals could not go directly to Paris .
19 This meant that these parties had equivalent subsidies from the Bundestag ( for staffing , etc. ) , but only restricted procedural rights , as compared with larger party groups .
20 This meant that some Christians followed Jesus as a Guru , others as a moral guerrilla leader and still others worshipped him as a perfect person .
21 This meant that fine tuning of the system in many areas , particularly on the personnel side , had to be held in abeyance until the payroll was running smoothly .
22 In particular , the rapid ossification of the Soviet hardline position in the East and the Cold War division which resulted from this meant that clear decisions had to be taken .
23 Does this mean that defining jobs and structures is a mistake ?
24 Does this mean that non-experimental data is useless for addressing causal issues ?
25 Does this mean that conventional ways are mistaken and should be abandoned ?
26 Does this mean that this story is not about faith , but faithlessness ?
27 So two questions need to be resolved on my analysis : first , is prevention ordinary treatment ? and , second , if preventive care depends on data drawn from special treatment , does this mean that special care may be undertaken only under conditions of limited , controlled research , which is what I suspect is what care of the VLBW baby really is , rather than by adopting the current haphazard approach which may wrongly dissipate resources ?
28 Does this mean that regulatory bodies will tend to be too conservative and will over-regulate the activities under their scrutiny ?
29 I think , in fact , if I 'm right about soaps becoming more conservative in this way , then does this mean that feminist arguments are no longer seen as relevant for a mass audience ?
30 This means that non-US residents are prepared to use the dollar in settlement of debts , as a unit of account and as a store of value .
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