Example sentences of "[adj] show that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A French government report released on July 2 showed that foreign orders for French weapons had soared by 70 per cent in 1990 to F33,400 million ( US$5,400 million ) , largely because of the Gulf war .
2 This shows that similar guidelines for decompression of the biliary tree after open cholecystectomy , can be applied after laparoscopic cholecystectomy as well .
3 This shows that human bird-catchers had already learnt to exploit the mobbing reaction .
4 With regard to library education , table 2 shows that certain methods appear to be more suitable than others for this type of instruction .
5 This showed that deaf school-leavers , educated orally , had an average reading age of eight and three quarters and that only about ten per cent of their speech was intelligible to a hearing person .
6 Further work by Reicher [ 1969 ] extended this to show that familiar words are perceived as units rather than strings of letters .
7 Surveys in 1975 and 1980 show that dependent subcontractors in household electrical goods and motor parts , experienced a 30 per cent greater fall in profits than independent small firms ( N. Sasaki 1981 p.102 and Steven 1983 p.73 ) .
8 A count made in 1971 showed that one-parent families on supplementary benefit amounted to two-thirds of all the unmarried mothers , more than half the separated mothers , one-third of the divorced and one-fifth of the widows in this country .
9 Data from the Labour Force Survey in 1981 show that high proportions of both women and men who are divorced or separated live in the home of their own parents , although there are some differences related to both gender and social class ( as measured by housing tenure ) .
10 The group discussions reported in Appendix II showed that single women with children ( divorced , separated or widowed ) may have particular difficulty getting low-cost credit , often because they themselves are not working : so they get higher-cost credit instead ( the reasons for this are explored further in chapter 5 ) .
11 The expenditure plans revealed in January 1992 showed that increased resources had been made available for health , housing , education , and law and order .
12 Table II shows that preventive methods are available for 51 ( 70% ) of 73 congenital abnormality entities evaluated , and their effective application could theoretically reduce the birth prevalence of all congenital abnormalities by 60% ( from 65/1000 to 26/1000 ) .
13 Table II shows that endoscopic appearances did not change significantly during treatment .
14 Taking this further Wenger ( 1984 ) was able to show that supportive networks were needed by both sides in the caring relationship ; this could be not only the slightly more distant family who by writing , telephoning , and occasional visits kept contact , but also a circle of friends for the carer 's own support .
15 He had made enquiry in Cornwall to ascertain what dues were typical in that county and from the information he had gleaned he was able to show that Consolidated Mines paid one-twentyfourth ; Tresavean and South Roskear one-twentieth ; and North Roskear to two different Mineral Lords — one-twentieth and one-fifteenth .
16 The basis for a new statute and manifesto to be adopted by the congress , it was followed by a heated debate which illustrated the division between reformers and conservatives , but the documents approved on Feb. 1 showed that moderate reformers had been victorious .
17 Using LFS data , Table 7.1 shows that temporary workers in semi- and lower skilled industrial occupations are more likely to be working on this basis because they do not want permanent jobs .
18 Table 1 shows that one-parent families are an increasing proportion of all families with dependent children .
19 Table 2.6 shows that particular newspapers are more likely to include reports of sexual attack than others .
20 Figure 5.22 shows that developing countries such as Nigeria , Indonesia and Egypt consume a mere fraction of the energy consumed by countries such as the UK and Australia .
21 However , in order to accept that such examples are evidence in favour of a Stem + Lexical Rules Hypothesis of entries in a mental lexicon , it is necessary to show that similar patterns of dissociation do not occur for other word-final fragments .
22 This was stated clearly in the paper that Thonemann and his team published in Nature on 25 January 1958 : ‘ To identify a thermonuclear process it is necessary to show that random collisions in the gas between deuterium ions are responsible for the nuclear reactions .
23 If it is possible to show that existential propositions are equivalent to denials of the validity of inferences of a certain kind , then instead of talking about existence we can confine ourselves to talking about the validity of inference .
24 ‘ The kind of smell which makes sick people worse must interfere with the vigour and vitality of those who are well , but at all events it is sufficient to show that sick persons are injured thereby ’ , per Stephen , J. in the Malton Manure case .
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