Example sentences of "[adj] show that [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed some research I 've done on this shows that only three players have managed 400 such dismissals , namely Richard Hadlee , Hapil Dev and Malcolm Marshall .
2 Carried out nationally , this showed that almost ten per cent of urban African households now possessed radio sets ; in the rural areas , the audience was far more scattered and the figure lower than one in fifty .
3 The case of 7 shows that sometimes three squares would not be enough .
4 While Nicoll 's judgement was reached in the heat of the moment the facts bear out his basic impression : a detailed survey of all the ministers of the four leading denominations in 1870 shows that roughly eight out of every ten Primitive Methodist ministers had no formal education beyond school and among Wesleyan ministers the numbers were little better , seven out of every ten .
5 A survey of some Coventry council estates done by Shelter and Coventry Community Workshop in the seventies showed that over 30 per cent of tenants reported furniture ruined by damp .
6 A survey in the 1970s showed that almost one-third of rape charges resulted in conviction of attempted rape .
7 Figures from all the clinics in England and Wales in 1976 showed that only 16 per cent of attendances were by patients with venereal disease , as statutorily de fined , and only a further 40 per cent had infections that were definitely sexually transmitted .
8 Fig. 6.14 shows that quite long chains must be expected .
9 Work by Chris Gordon on elderly people surveyed by the New Survey of London Life and Labour in 1929–31 showed that only 7.3 per cent of the 2,286 elderly people in his sample were in receipt of any direct financial support from their family , and this accounted for only 2 per cent of the overall income of this elderly population ( as shown in Table 3.1 ) .
10 Table 1 shows that only seven patients were under 60 years of age , and that 73 per cent of men and 85 per cent of women were older than 69 years .
11 Table 4.2 shows that the decline in male employment in manufacturing involved the loss of 21 000 jobs and Table 4.3 shows that nearly 4000 female manufacturing jobs disappeared over the same period .
12 Figures from the forest report of the UN ECE 1989 show that over 64 per cent of all tree species in the UK have slight to severe defoliation .
13 This is equivalent to the competitive processes of matching consumer preferences and cost conditions in a market with many buyers and sellers and it is possible to show that under appropriate conditions similar efficiency properties will characterise the ultimate equilibrium of the distribution of households across local authorities .
14 If one takes simply the early industrial period , up to about 1820 , it is possible to show that almost one third of rural households contained servants , typically young people in their early teens who left home to spend about 10 to 15 years in service before marrying .
15 The last monthly housing report to be issued before the abolition of the corporation in November 1968 showed that only four corporation houses had been built .
16 A transport survey in 1988 showed that only 19 local authorities gave free travel to older people , 265 made a charge or issued limited value tokens , and 30 made no concessions at all .
17 Jones himself wrote later , ‘ is sufficient to show that not all their boasted navy can protect their own coasts , ’ a disagreeable lesson for any Briton to digest .
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