Example sentences of "[adj] group [conj] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were accused of belonging to Islamic groups that attacked Israeli soldiers .
2 Such struggle may involve spatial structuring of the society , as with the construction of residential segregation in urban areas to promote the interests of some groups and retard those of others ( as with racial groups in the United States : Johnson , 1984c , and chapter 5 below ) .
3 Young adult males are driven out of this group and form separate bachelor parties that must bide their time until they can steal young females and set up an oligarchy of their own .
4 They based their studies on the coal mines where , owing to increased mechanisation , the miners were merged into larger and larger groups , found it difficult to identify their share of the work within the enlarged groups and suffered low morale : productivity was falling .
5 You can also use them to compare two similar groups or to follow one group through a period of time and observe any change in attitude .
6 There was one vital breakthrough for the nationalist consciousness , though there still remains some doubt as to how deep this was for the Fianna Fáil party : all the parties committed themselves to the recognition of the protestant — loyalist group as having legitimate aspirations and affirmed the need for the recognition of ‘ two sets of legitimate rights ’ coexisting in the island as a whole : ‘ Constitutional nationalists are determined to secure justice for all traditions …
7 So we 're going to do this exercise within this room and we 'll need to rearrange the tables , so I suggest that each group as having one table or two tables , put it in a square to work around .
8 For instance by encouraging an active interest in the environment in which we live , and by supporting groups or promoting cleaner technology , less pollution and less waste , we 're ensuring the quality of life for future generations , and also the potential for future business opportunities .
9 The teams were split into three groups and played each other in a round-robin .
10 He took a group of young boys and monitored their play , divided them into three groups and showed each group one of three scenarios and then monitored them again .
11 But would you admit that it was n't any doings of the Tory group that brought that four hundred thousand pounds in ?
12 The second reason , less plausibly , is that they regard non-shareholder groups as having legitimate claims on the company and believe that these claims should be satisfied even though a reduction in shareholder wealth is involved .
13 Eglinton Airport , Foyle Hill Environmental Group and Shantallow Environmental Group have joined Limavady and Derry councils in backing the week long initiative .
14 Dr Pentreath said there would now need to be two registers , each containing data derived from two organisations thus confusing the public and independent groups and undermining public confidence .
15 Then they were divided into various groups and given unlimited normal rat food and water for the next seven days .
16 The arts community is confident the measure will pass easily since the proposal enjoys the strong support of both Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Dan Rostenkowski , chairmen respectively of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee , the Congressional groups that originate all tax legislation .
17 Petroleum Geoscience : This group draws on expertise from all the above groups and includes substantial financial input from industry , the Petroleum Science and Technology Institute and the European Community .
18 What is more , co-operative R&D ventures may provide a forum in which firms learn to co-operate and collude with each on a wider basis , particularly if they create well-defined strategic groups that bring peer-group pressure to bear on each other whenever incentives to cheat appear .
19 The others had been ordered to split up into small groups and make good their escape as best they could and , if successful , to report to pre-arranged meeting places in the city .
20 We have now reviewed the indicative offers in respect of the above group and have available the unaudited draft consolidated group results for the year to 31st October , 19XX which have been prepared by [ client ] and have not been reviewed or verified by ourselves .
21 Know and understand some practices and customs that distinguish the lifestyle of two religious/cultural groups and evaluate one of them
22 We reiterate : the dominant beliefs of the alliances which we have termed historical blocs are not necessarily shared by all but are promoted successfully by dominant groups and have some grounding in the consciousness of the wider membership .
23 Big brother was happy with any group that had long hair .
24 I prefer to avoid mixing varieties in the same group and to plant lower growing Felicia pappei with them , especially the pink forms .
25 Chemical groups that have these characteristics are as follows .
26 To prevent such a sequence of events the church must seek continual spiritual renewal ; deploy a high proportion of its members to work in the external constituency ; in McGavran 's terminology , to turn them into class two leaders and workers , i.e. ‘ members whose energies are primarily directed to serving and evangelising non-Christians in their ministry area in an effort to bring them into the Body of Christ ’ , and to establish new groups and plant new congregations .
27 I entirely agree with Richard Harwood that those district societies that put the effort into breaking their society down into local groups , small practitioner groups , commercial membership groups and , for that matter , any other group that seems appropriate , have seen the real benefits from this assistance in the vital area of communication and , perhaps an unseen fact , value for money for the subscription as seen through the eyes of the Institute 's membership .
28 The church should be able to respond to these urgent needs more effectively than any other group and provide clear leadership .
29 It is those in the large middle group that prove difficult .
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