Example sentences of "[adj] day when [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In th i in the old days when a firm would come along and pack everything , then they said that , and that was quite true , that they would pack everything and then they would be responsible if damage was done .
2 Just the way you once wished it could when you were regretting the good old days when a man could keep his unsuitable mistress hidden away , knowing she 'd be there waiting upon his pleasure , whenever he felt the urge and could spare the time to see her .
3 The quality of translation here , with its simpering rhythms and bathetic language , proves that in this matter the major publishers have moved on hardly at all from the bad old days when the employment of unskilled amateurs or stilted romantics in translation work marred the English publication of some of the great accounts of European mountaineering .
4 One PC complained at length to a sergeant that the ‘ ground ’ where they both worked had become much quieter ; he looked back with nostalgia to the old days when the ground was much ‘ harder ’ and ‘ you could literally be strolling past a pub and a bloke would come staggering out with a knife in his back … ’
5 Some days when the city heat was too oppressive they drove out into the wild Andalucían countryside , high up into the hills where the air was sweet and pure .
6 What happens during the first few days when a resident comes to live in a Home ?
7 Notices warning of the dangers of thin ice were put up in the last few days when the lake froze over .
8 There are few days when the weather is so unpleasant that it is impossible to walk ; and even on a rainy day there are often periods when the rain stops .
9 Todays toil to lower the level of the brook takes a bitmore than one man and his dog , but the necessary speed of the work means thispiece of Georgian architecture will be hidden once more in a few days when the brook 's allowed to flow through here again .
10 In a way , the fat lady doctor turned sex on to its head and in those prepermissive days when no woman appeared on screen showing more than a couple of inches of cleavage , it was enough .
11 Mr Cross had chosen the ideal spot for his photography some three days earlier and the picture he wanted could only be taken during the ten days around the longest day when the sun came through a gap in the hills .
12 To Sarah he wrote that he would take her to Italy some day when the sun was shining .
13 And o on this day when the church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit !
14 It is the happiest of coincidences for them that on this day when the mind of thinking adults in this country is concentrated on whom not to vote for , the Masters opens at Augusta .
15 But Llewellyn 's retainers with Twiston-Davies and Tim Forster , plus attractive rides for David Nicholson and Nick Gaselee , make those dark days when the phone never rang seem a long way off .
16 It has remained in the temple ever since , and is blown three times on the anniversary of the death of Sigismund as a solemn reminder of the dark days when the Empire was ravaged by Orcs and Altdorf was almost destroyed .
17 you do it after six days when the baby 's been taking milk , you may well find something wrong .
18 It is perhaps not surprising , therefore that from the early days when the state became involved in the education of the masses one of the principal aims of the curriculum enunciated by successive Presidents of the Board of Education , Ministers of Education and Secretaries of State for Education has been that of the preparation for citizenship .
19 In the summertime , on bright warm days when the sun was high in the sky , Endill would help her weed and tend the vegetables .
20 It 's always a very sad day when a base closes .
21 It 's a sad day when a trade union delegate and a member of the Labour Party ca n't pass an opinion . ’
22 It 's a sad day when a trade union delegate and a member of the Labour Party ca n't pass an opinion . ’
23 John Parke writes It was a sad day when the news came some two years ago that Ann Hoare was suffering from cancer and that she had taken early retirement from her post as assistant manager of Exeter University Bookshop , where she had been on the staff since it opened .
24 Shoreditch wishes Mr Love good luck over any polling card litigation ; but surely it 's a sad day when the suggestion that a socialist opposes mass slaughter is thought to be libellous ?
25 ‘ It will be a sad day when the camera replaces the umpire , ’ Bucknor said in response to the criticism .
26 They were released the following day when a crowd of 4000 people gathered outside the police station .
27 Virtually everywhere from the Highlands to London 's suburbs , main line and local , passenger trains were steadily busier , the total number carried exceeding that of pre-Beeching days when the system was much larger .
28 It was indeed a sad thing that in these days when the Church had enough enemies outside it should divide itself into hostile forces , because , he added aptly , forgetting the original subject of the quotation , a house divided against itself could not stand .
29 As an historian I know how valuable a commodity — and I mean valuable in terms of hard cash — it ought to be in these days when the whole of life , our own present as well as the past , seems to reach us pre-packaged in the form of interviews and telly-probe .
30 Interviewers can not be sure of people 's age or social class before an interview is begun and so one can see the temptation of putting a woman down as under 35 if that is just what you need at the end of a hard day when the woman turns out in fact to be 38 .
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