Example sentences of "[adj] look for [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 THREE GUYS 17-18 YEARS OLD looking for three girls in the Eastbourne area who are into heavy metal and skateboarding- Photos please- Check this out ! !
2 That said , the drinks sector seemed relieved that the Chancellor has paid some attention to the risk of driving business across the Channel to the Calais supermarkets , the building sector was prepared to look for possible beneficiaries from the approval the Chancellor has given to rail links in South-east England , oil benefited from the abolition of PRT on new North Sea fields , the motor trade seemed to take the threat of fuel taxes in excess of inflation in its stride , and WH Smith reflected a sense of relief that VAT has not been extended to books and newspapers .
3 When dealing with the paranormal or supernatural , it is easy to look for rational explanations , but logical reasoning can not always explain the strange events that occur in people 's lives .
4 Theoretically , most referees are supposed to look for full points in the first instance and half-points afterwards .
5 It is natural to look for causative factors , and we have treated causality much as it is treated in experimental research generally ( see Plutchik , 1974 : 174–87 ) .
6 Franchise companies represented will include many top names and they are all looking for new recruits .
7 CIOB , CIBSE and RICS all look for 20 hours per year , while the RTPI expects 25 hours .
8 As the recordings ( a co-production with SDR Stuttgart ) are also of notable quality , the result is an issue which can be firmly recommended to those looking for worthwhile versions of these works for their collections .
9 Whether you are attracted to the beauty and tranquillity of Lake Saimaa or the historic and cultural wealth of Leningrad , perestroika can be thanked for having opened up a fascinating new cruising ground accessible to those looking for fresh places to visit , as well as being a potential charter area .
10 He was an explorer and naturalist — his lecture was to be about his expedition to an unexplored part of the Canadian Arctic looking for wild geese .
11 We 're too busy looking for more truths . ’
12 We are inclined to look for certain features in the landscape and ignore others .
13 The similarities between things called by the same name are indefinite and fluctuating ; one tries to pin terms down by definition , so that they can be used for strict inference , but Wittgenstein showed that in the vocabulary of natural languages the similarities are ‘ family resemblances ’ , by which A may be like B in one respect and B like C in another , but A like C in neither , so that it is useless to look for common characteristics by which to define the word which names them all .
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