Example sentences of "[adj] way [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From 1650 onwards , in partial imitation of Hobbes , a variety of authors managed in their different ways to transform the biblical thesis that civilization reflects a decline from a pristine state of grace into a cynical doctrine which declares that the observed condition of man in society has been superimposed by social restraints or cultural conditioning upon a pre-human condition of animality in which " man " was a solitary brute devoid of any kind of natural humanity .
2 The massive tax increases that lie ahead should go some way to reassure the financial markets that he is determined to redress a recessionary budget deficit now projected to run at £50 billion — £1 billion a week — in the current year .
3 And these facts go some way to explain the astonishing further fact that the Ultra secret was kept not merely during the War , but for 30 years afterwards — a phenomenon that may well be unparalleled in history !
4 In a remarkable letter which he wrote in nineteen-eighteen , he said , ‘ I must , before I die , find some way to say the essential thing that is in me , that I have never said yet , a thing that is not love , or hate , or pity , or scorn , but the very breath of life , fierce and coming from far away , bringing into human life the vastness and the fearful passionless force of non-human things . ’
5 It 's the one room that has in some way to accommodate the changing interests of all members of the family ; it 's also the room that is most on show , the room where your guests stay the longest .
6 These figures , perhaps , go some way to dispute the widely-expressed view that Pipe is the greatest jump trainer in racing history .
7 There is no doubt that this is a proper way to acknowledge the fine achievements of sportsmen and women and others who have done work for charity .
8 The proper way to put the last sentence would be to say : ‘ If B is charged with such-and-such a crime , he will have a good defence . ’
9 In the snail darter case the justices of the Supreme Court argued about the proper way to read the Environmental Protection Act .
10 If a person does not want something , the quickest way to instil the necessary desire is to create urgent and inescapable need .
11 This way to join the lost people …
12 It could be that Lord Roskill wished in this way to exonerate the mischievous label-switcher , but that person is anyway not guilty of theft because he does not have the mental element .
13 It 's an ‘ intelligent ’ harmoniser and plays this way to follow the commonest chord sequences without any programming .
14 Because it is the mating act in cats that induces ovulation , it is possible in this way to start the female cat 's ovulation as if she is carrying male sperm .
15 It was hoped in this way to reduce the high refusal rate which is a hazard in sociolinguistic surveys , and indeed the method seemed in general to be successful in this respect ; altogether , out of 40 addresses visited , only 8 refusals were recorded .
16 It 's the perfect way to discover the true nature of a country and its people .
17 Clearly , spectroscopic methods based on femtosecond pulses are an appropriate way to observe the unstable dissociating ( or transition ) states that exist fleetingly as the molecules fall apart .
18 But there is no easy way to undo the nuclear binge of the cold war .
19 If you are unable to find a relatively easy way to measure the adverse behaviour then the chances are that you will be unable to decide what to do about it .
20 Could there be a more splendid way to get the grey matter working ?
21 From the 1966 census , but with analyses pushing back to 1961 , several major studies have attempted to use a wide range of census data grouped in new and more functional ways to depict the spatial characteristics of the British population .
22 There were two lawful ways to demolish the listed chapel — one was to have the building de-listed and the second was to obtain listed building consent for its total demolition which involved seeking representations from six conservation bodies .
23 One working assumption might be that the rules governing conversation between persons can be extended in a natural way to cover the new situation , but there are grounds for doubting that this is what literally occurs .
24 The only really satisfactory way to solve the whole problem is to assume that there are certain types of goods which can at the same time be " ordinarily " for private use and for commercial use .
25 They have long been committed to the idea of such a conference for dealing with the Arab-Israeli conflict ; they are now committed to the idea of such a conference for negotiating a Gulf peace ; there is no obvious way to keep the two ideas apart .
26 That 's the worst way to cut the damned stuff .
27 In this sense , as alternative ways to meet the same need , the two markets can be thought of as being in competition .
28 There may be alternative ways to solve the human problems that will allow the wild world and humanity an equal two-way traffic in rights and responsibilities .
29 In the face of even further diversion of financial resources for training away from special needs , can we build on what expertise we have to find economic and yet effective ways to overcome the present difficulties , to deepen all teachers ' understanding of learning and behaviour problems and of the way in which they might be resolved within the learning situation of the classroom ?
30 In fact the only drawback about the Cube is that you 're more than likely to find one or two of the Sounds freelancers propping up the bar but , aside from that , there are n't many better ways to spend the approaching cold winter evenings than in the comfort of decent live music and good company .
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