Example sentences of "[adj] way [adv] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Over the last decade , benefits for the unemployed have been cut in some 50 different ways so that the living standards of those out of work have fallen even further behind those of other citizens . ’
2 It is perhaps a feature which could be added to many of the existing railways in some way so that the many enthusiastic photographers can enjoy that aspect of our hobbies without some of the restrictions that are presented today ?
3 In normal development , the cells may act in this way so that the developing baby is not attacked by the mother 's defence system .
4 Not only giving injections , but even branding horses can be done in a calm , easy , and reassuring way so that the horse is not upset .
5 The thin man said Crane should be left to make his own way so that the rest of them could ride as fast as they could down one of the tracks to the south .
6 This thing here , which looks like a wooden club , is actually several pieces of particular wood cunningly put together in a certain way so that the whole thing is sprung , like a dance floor .
7 Funding is crucial but there is an organisational problem — despite the fact that there 's a huge amount of latent goodwill in the community , few councils have mobilised this in a co-ordinated way so that the rights of way network can be brought into line .
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