Example sentences of "[adj] take [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He admires the foresight and thrust of the initial decision in February 1955 to achieve an output of 2000 MW(e) by 1965 and this taken before the reactor ( Calder Hall ) was completed .
2 But , the heavens opened as it seems they only can when the British take to the outdoors in mid-summer .
3 It 's easy to take off the outside when when you come to take the inside ones it 's quite difficult .
4 Well the Multiple Sclerosis Society has made it easy to take to the air whether it be by parachute , glider or plane .
5 On another occasion he drove a Saab 9000 taken from the car park of the Post House Hotel , Thornaby .
6 Murad II , in fact , desired to increase this amount , but Fahreddin Acemi refused , saying that it was lawful to take from the treasury only what was sufficient to meet his needs .
7 The two men stood in silence for a moment , glad to take in the freshness of the late morning after the stuffiness of the bar .
8 I 'm just finding levity a bit hard to take at the moment . ’
9 These take in the law ( Brothers in Law , 1956 ) , the redbrick universities ( Lucky Jim , 1957 ) , the foreign office ( Carlton-Browne of the FO , 1958 ) and the trade unions ( I 'm All Right Jack , 1959 ) .
10 But regarding wages and hours they were all taken by the executive council and debated at the national joint committee with the employers .
11 The collision left the area looking like a ‘ battlefield , ’ according to witnesses who saw the injured taken from the scene .
12 In the meantime , he 's happy taking to the road , Chinese style .
13 As you re-read your notes , you should add further marginal comments to those taken during the lecture / tutorial ( Meaning ?
14 The most powerful ‘ lessons in wizardry ’ are those taken for the learning of shamanic powers , and in the Piaroa theory of knowledge , men who do undergo them are the best hunters in Piaroaland , even if they rarely hunt ( Overing 1988 ) .
15 They may be unable to take in the reality of what has happened .
16 If you can find out when they feed you will be able to take off the cover at that time and watch them feeding .
17 Nor does such staggered hatching cause any difficulties for such birds as eagles which build inaccessible nests in the tops of trees where their young can remain in safety until they are able to take to the air themselves .
18 Or be able to take to the floor for the last waltz ?
19 The shop assistant there told me they would be able to take on the order for nothing .
20 As authorities built up resources and expertise , and became able to take on the responsibility for making available all land needed for particular types of development , the secretary of state was to have made orders providing that land for development of the kind designated in the order and in the area specified by the order must have passed through public ownership before development took place .
21 Roy Hattersley knew that Neil Kinnock , from his starting point on Labour 's left , was able to take on the ultra-left in a way he never could have done .
22 When the government did a U-turn last October on its pledge to provide separate , ring-fenced funding for drug and alcohol hostels , ministers dismissed suggestions that SSDs would not be able to take on the task .
23 Teenage parents were not as able to take on the role of head of the family , and there was therefore an increased risk of abuse and neglect of the children .
24 None of the new group members felt able to take on the job at present and it was agreed that David should write to the Management Committee to ask for further suggestions .
25 When she got married she was able to take on the job of rewiring her house .
26 He had never been able to take in the fact that she was a fifteen-year-old girl .
27 Rachel was , though , more able to take in the ruin of the room than Phoebe had been .
28 Sylvia was able to take from the cupboard only those items she could reach while standing in the hall itself .
29 Too angry to take in the significance of the second visitor , Theda pushed Araminta through the door and addressed the vicar , who was staring open-mouthed .
30 For a time , when she first took to the seclusion of the Lodge , days had been wasted in a sort of restless grief , but it had passed , resentment fell away , and gradually he found his way back into his own strength .
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