Example sentences of "[adj] take up [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The equipment for funnelling off the carbon-12 takes up two sides of a workshop the size of a church hall .
2 I would also be prepared to take up some responsibility in the popular government , It will be a less oppressed life , more tranquil , although perhaps at home there will only be me because my husband and my two sons have been murdered by the army and the others have gone to fight .
3 Demographic pressures mean that more women are likely to take up paid employment in the future .
4 The interview need not be long but Sheila will have discovered that there are people who will listen and she is now more likely to take up any referral she is given for more long term counselling .
5 While precise indicators of the numbers of laws depend upon more precise definition of what are considered as laws ( there is a variety of different types of order , statute and regulation ) , one crude indicator for the expansion of legislation in the United States is that the Federal Register grew from 2,355 pages in 1936 to 60,221 pages in 1975 ; another indicator for Britain is found in the Index to the Statutes — the index listing legislation for , the period from 1235 to 1935 takes up 788 pages , while that for 1936 to 1982 takes up 978 pages .
6 When I was about eleven , he must have been about fourteen or fifteen , and he decided to take up the concert flute — so he suggested that instead of us staying on tin whistles , we should all take up different instruments .
7 Via full or part-time employment in the NHS , but without completing a re-entry course prior to take up such employment .
8 Those taking up job-release allowances must not take a job or set up in business on their own , and their employer must undertake to recruit as soon as possible a registered unemployed worker .
9 A two-year course in a Soviet General Staff academy appears to be mandatory for those taking up senior appointment .
10 Roger Young , director-general of the Institute of Management , said allowing 30,000 long-term jobless to take up vocational courses without losing their benefits was a ‘ drop in the ocean ’ .
11 Roger Young , director-general of the Institute of Management , gave a cool response to the proposals , saying that allowing 30,000 long-term jobless to take up vocational courses without losing their benefits — one of Mr Lamont 's proposed measures — was a ‘ drop in the ocean ’ .
12 It is further suggested that this will lead to women being able to take up paid work instead , further advancing their equality with men .
13 Making a case for the complexity of woman 's position as spectator , both critics stated that spectators are not necessarily locked into identification with their own gender but are able to take up multiple identifications , whether simultaneously or in succession .
14 Nevertheless , it was able to take up various causes from Chilean refugees to the RUC complaints procedure .
15 It may recognise that once the youngest child has left home the wife may again be able to take up gainful employment but that until that time she should be provided with a home rent free .
16 But , as in the case say of a temporary administrator coming in he 'd be able to or she would be able to take up this file and use it .
17 Chapter 8 takes up another theme from chapter 6 : why managerial strategies concentrate on particular issues rather than others .
18 While precise indicators of the numbers of laws depend upon more precise definition of what are considered as laws ( there is a variety of different types of order , statute and regulation ) , one crude indicator for the expansion of legislation in the United States is that the Federal Register grew from 2,355 pages in 1936 to 60,221 pages in 1975 ; another indicator for Britain is found in the Index to the Statutes — the index listing legislation for , the period from 1235 to 1935 takes up 788 pages , while that for 1936 to 1982 takes up 978 pages .
19 Distribution of 386 elective seats* Hungarian Democratic Forum ( HDF or MDF ) 164 Alliance of Free Democrats ( SzDSz ) 92 Independent Smallholders ' Party ( FKgP ) 44 Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP or MSZP ) 33 League of Young Democrats ( FIDESZ ) 21 Christian Democratic People 's Party 21 Independents 6 Joint candidates 4 Agrarian Alliance 1 * In addition to the 386 elected deputies , provision was reportedly to be made for representatives of the minorities living in Hungary ( the Croatians , Germans , Romany gypsies , Jews , Romanians , Serbs , Slovaks , and Slovenes ) each to take up one seat .
20 Having regard to his indebtedness , reflected by the various charges on this property , he was anxious to take up that employment .
21 In the name of their founding ancestors , some British social anthropologists still feel obliged to take up defensive positions against imaginary enemies who died long ago .
22 I should note here that there is a dispute between the parties , as to whether she would in fact obtain the grades necessary to take up that post .
23 It has 460 people on its books — all of them far better qualified than Macaulay Culkin in the hit film Home Alone — who are ready to take up temporary residence anywhere from John O'Groats to Land 's End .
24 And I 've been the leader of of that party for the last four and half years , I am ready to step down from that , and ready to take up this challenge , and I believe that those experiences , and what I 've done there , will stand me in good stead .
25 Dr. B. Hosetti and Dr. Ranjana Saxene arrived during 1990 to take up postdoctoral scholarships from the Leverhulme Trust and the European Community respectively .
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