Example sentences of "[adj] who [vb base] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 And the the women and that who live in that area , tend I 've noticed to walk on the other side of the road anyway .
2 The book has many keen insights into the nature of the Dylan achievements , but it is marred by a fault common to many who write about this man : idolatry .
3 The difficulty experienced by many who teach in these areas is not in keeping parents out of school but in attempting to make them feel that they have a place within it .
4 Many who suffer from these diseases experience years of ill-health and subsequent loss of productivity .
5 And because it seeks to arouse , porn eroticises immorality which makes it especially dangerous to those who worry about these things .
6 Only those who come from that place at that time can judge .
7 If the reader is happy to meet no Albanian , he will be overjoyed by the absence of anyone from India , China or the USSR , for no one in his right mind could imagine that those who dwell in these alien steppes and deserts could either enjoy ‘ states of mind ’ or have anything worth saying about them .
8 For those who qualify for this extra help the reduction will be equal to the community charge minus £52 .
9 Thank you for those who serve in this congregation and parish ; the clergy , the lay readers , the teachers of the young people in the church family , the leaders of home groups .
10 I am one of those who welcome without any reservation the citizens charter that has been brought forward by the Government .
11 I hope that the remarks of those who speak in this debate — critical or otherwise — will be acted upon , because the environment is crucial to all those whom we seek to represent .
12 Those who embark on this deeper , marketing-centred analysis find it necessary to separate this process from the regular tactical use of the database for sales mailings .
13 Those who argue about this ( about how much should be spent on Arts faculties in universities , for example ) tend to debate whether it does or does not help the economy , help people to do various jobs , and so forth .
14 And , if it is thought that such a state of affairs is , for whatever reason , undesirable , then it behoves those who argue for another approach to learn the lesson of political realities .
15 This is not always appreciated by those who point to this success compared to the systems in use at the larger institutions .
16 Those who act for both sides will still have to satisfy the selectors that they can conduct actions properly on behalf of patients . )
17 It is useful at this stage to indicate that guarantors and indemnifiers are of two types , those who act as such at the request of the customer and those who were not requested by the customer to do so .
18 I am very grateful to all those who act in this capacity .
19 Those who participate in such campaigns must expect substantial sentences .
20 Those who live permanently in them do not always share our nostalgia for big , happy extended families : nor do all those who participate in that often-associated matrimonial arrangement , polygyny , find it equally attractive .
21 ‘ Half of those who participate in these activities ’ , remarked one frustrated local LNU branch in a letter to Gilbert Murray in 1936 , ‘ … want our Government to do one thing and the other half the exactly contrary thing … . ’
22 Whatever we may make of this , it is interesting to observe that Professor Hartman of New York has established a link between those who suffer from this nocturnal disposition and a high level of creativity .
23 Baldly expressed , those who subscribe to that theory see it as important to explain the process of public policy-making since that is regarded as the essential stuff of British politics itself ; they see interest groups as of central and determining influence in that process ; and they see the group process as enhancing of democracy in Britain .
24 Those who subscribe to this view would disagree with the proposal of the FRED that where a warrant lapses unexercised the amount previously recognised should be reported in the statement of total recognised gains and losses , since they do not consider that it represents a gain to the company .
25 The services of ISCO can be called upon by those who enrol for several years after the pupil have left school .
26 Those who gain from this process — whether in primary or secondary care — are matched by others who lose in the zero sum game that resource allocation in the NHS has become .
27 On one side are those who pounce on any scandal as evidence that they are unable to stop crooks .
28 Official trade figures need careful handling , but those who specialise in this area generally agree over what they reveal .
29 A transfer on such a scale , from those who work to those who do not , may be manageable today ; it will be less so in the early years of the next century , when the number of workers per pensioner will start to fall sharply .
30 The implications for our defence industry and for those who work in that declining sector are substantial .
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