Example sentences of "[adj] give [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It can be upbuilding to others in the congregation to hear one another give thanks to God .
2 Confectionery , food and soft drinks manufacturer Cadbury Schweppes — ranked 60 in The Times 1000 and with nearly 27500 employees — was also prepared to give credit to headhunters .
3 We had not been prepared to give way to health unions with much public support .
4 Mr Radoman Bozovic , Prime Minister , said : ‘ We are not prepared to give way to pressures contrary to Serbian dignity and to our economic sovereignty . ’
5 To do that , they 're even prepared to give money to Moslems . ’
6 We need someone who enjoys working with figures and accounts , is prepared to give time to Executive and Finance meetings , and can liaise with the Society 's Officers .
7 Objectively , it is quicker to give commands to Okapi , but there is a stage in the search procedure ( the merge ) which is sometimes faster on LIBERTAS .
8 HSE inspectors in the Chelmsford and Norwich offices were always willing to give advice to contractors in the prevention of falls from heights .
9 This gave rise to speculation that Suchard planned to use these funds to launch another takeover bid , possibly for Cadbury Schweppes .
10 There were those who considered it to be a purely defensive step , and this gave rise to rumour .
11 This gave rise to War Communism .
12 This gives rise to difficulties in serving an abatement or prohibition notice , as it is not possible to specify any works to abate the odour , and yet a notice which merely requires the recipient to take steps to abate the odour , is unlikely to achieve the desired effect .
13 This gives rise to litters in which there are some stumpies ( with no tails at all ) , some rumpy-risers ( with a knob of a tail ) , some stumpies or stubbies ( with very short tails ) and some longies ( with almost full-length tails ) .
14 Half of the time this gives rise to tritium and a proton , and ( almost ) the rest of the time gives helium-3 and a neutron .
15 As the Spring of 1963 gave way to Summer , one priority became uppermost in Whitaker 's mind — to get one script of each type of Doctor Who story together as soon as possible .
16 Normally a modest stream , it occasionally becomes a torrent after a downpour and , when held up by a high tide-can give rise to flooding in the lower part of the town as , spectacularly , in 1914 and 1935 .
17 ‘ I should be glad to give evidence to Lord Justice Scott 's inquiry . ’
18 Paragraph ( b ) , however , is likely to give rise to difficulty with its concept of ‘ abnormal ’ characteristics , if only because it may be so difficult to determine the ‘ normal ’ characteristics of a species .
19 Equipment should not be installed if it is likely to give rise to legionnaire 's disease .
20 Solid manure stores , carefully sited and tended , are less likely to give rise to nuisance problems than is liquid storage in the form of a slurry .
21 When advising insurers of circumstances likely to give rise to claims , also advise your accountant .
22 Such changes are likely to give rise to changes in living standards and to household working behaviour .
23 The test will check that there are no sharp edges or projections arising from damage or excessive corrosion likely to give rise to injury .
24 The espousal of informalism as the answer to critiques of the effectiveness of judicial methods of handling family disputes is likely to give rise to disappointment .
25 Initially , the isolation is likely to make the horse overtly anxious ; but as time passes , its restlessness is likely to give way to depression .
26 Terry Long was always a welcome visitor to Selhurst Park , but it was an enormous pleasure to everyone connected with Crystal Palace when he agreed to make a public return here in October 1984 to give recognition to Jim Cannon , who is the one man to have played more games for us than Terry himself did .
27 The emergence of the Data Protection Act 1984 gave rise to controversy and one complaint has been the burden that it may cause for small business computer users .
28 The precise criteria and procedures whereby schools were included in the project are discussed at length elsewhere in this report , but we may note that a set of guidelines for school participation was drawn up and developed by the Project Coordinating Team ( see Appendix 3 ) and that these gave direction to schools as they established library committees and developed their plans .
29 The Washington Post of Nov. 21 gave prominence to Rafsanjani 's declarations and reported that " India announced this week that it will not sell a nuclear reactor to Iran , largely because of mounting international pressure " .
30 The early strains used were not highly active against some major lepidopterous pests , but the discovery of the HD1 strain in 1969 gave rise to products with a broad activity spectrum against many pest species and , until very recently , this has been the basis of all commercial products for caterpillar control .
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