Example sentences of "[adj] than [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A collection of general medical books in a public library may deal with the same range of topics , but the indexing can be broader than in a specialist context , and the terms used for the same thing may be different .
2 Mrs Hill was a small , plump , middle-aged woman , with fine frizzy hair which she encased in a fine frizzy hair net ; she always wore a purple and blue flowered pinny , a garment more in keeping with an aunt or a cleaner than with a lover of science .
3 In such cases failure is even more painful than with a home student , and one has heard rumours of failed candidates having to return several years of fees to their government , and suffering even worse penalties .
4 What can be easier than for a manufacturer to limit his sales to those members of the public who fulfil the qualification of being this or doing that ?
5 Notice that holding the intermediate result of a calculation in the accumulator not only shortens the instruction length , but also increases the instruction execution speed , since the access time to a processor register is shorter than to a store location .
6 In spite of the visual evidence , Lam is presented less as a modernist than as a rebel against modernism , as the outsider who challenges Europe on its own terms and wins .
7 Diffusion is much slower through a liquid than through a gas .
8 The payments on a lease will normally be lower than on a contract allowing for the purchase of the asset , although sometimes the difference is small and then a rebate is made when the term of the contract finishes and the plane is sold .
9 In one of these studies the FVC in low birthweight children was not lower than in a reference group .
10 This surely suggests that in the more distant demes — Eleusis with its great sanctuary and fortifications , or Rhamnous and Sounion with their temples of Nemesis and Poseidon ( ML 53 = Fornara 90B for the treasury accounts of Rhamnousian Nemesis ) — the city 's magnetic pull was less strong than in a deme close to the city , like , say , Kolonos .
11 ‘ Guys like Stefan and Boris will be more pumped up for that than for a preparation tournament . ’
12 Dickens 's Will Fern , with first-hand knowledge of life inside one , complains of this female tendency : ‘ It looks well in a picter , I 've heerd say ; but there a n't weather in picters , and maybe ‘ t is fitter for that than for a place to live in . ’
13 Indeed , Braveman and Jarvis ( 1978 ) , having argued that their results imply separate mechanisms for the two phenomena , go on to acknowledge the possibility that their results might simply reflect the use of a test procedure that was less sensitive as a measure of conditioning than as a measure of neophobia .
14 Lord McLaren at p309 stated : It seems to me that in such a case the deduction would be no more claimable than in a case where an individual partner having money in many concerns chooses to employ a private secretary for the purpose of keeping an account of his income and his expenditure .
15 However , a spring sowing of such seed will produce some plants , though the number will be fewer than from a summer sowing .
16 But she passionately wanted to get on with him ; she made every effort to entertain and to captivate , for in proximity he was even more dazzling than from a distance .
17 Selecting a carpet from the roll is always better than from a pattern book to get clearer idea of how the carpet will look .
18 The common English proverb " Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise " is less concerned with self-denial than with a prescription for regular habits .
19 We should not , however , expect a question for the initial verb alone since this is only possible in English for verbs which describe something as being , in some as yet ill-defined sense , " done " to their objects : ( 69 ) what did Rafferty do to the cistern ? and this can not be claimed for the verbs preceding clausal adjectives any more than for a verb which precedes an explicit subordinate clause .
20 Rain can thrash its surface , wind can chop it up , and the carp still have to be outwitted ; probably even more than on a water where the natural food is less abundant and the carp are smaller and therefore not so cautious .
21 But if talk of a right were insisted upon it would be seen as no more than as a flourish of personification to emphasise that the trustee had legal obligations towards the grave .
22 If you 're driving in a flash car , driving a porsche you 'll pay more than in a mini .
23 ‘ You 're more than due a holiday , ’ her mother at once declared .
24 This is less important than in a share sale where the difficulty of the purchaser , without an express damage statement , is to show that the shares are worth less than the purchaser paid for them , as a reduction in the assets or increase in the liabilities does not necessarily reduce the price of the shares .
25 As the blower is engine-driven , boost is always on hand , so response is much faster than with a turbocharger .
26 Note that even without the exact position of the original markers being known , the line from Bishops Cannings church through the WKLB and the centres varies by less than of a degree .
27 In the community tank where the decor consists of numerous caves made from rockwork , with a good depth of gravel to act as a filter medium , and where the fish tend to dig less than in a tank especially set up for breeding , then undergravel filtration will be adequate once the biological action in the gravel has become firmly established .
28 If you want to experiment at home , it 'll cost you far less than in a salon but you should get a friend to help put the rollers in to get perfectly even curls .
29 The physical effort required in speaking would also be less than against a background noise of heavy traffic .
30 As there is a trio of high and narrow lights in each main gable , the problem of reconciling this glazing with the added upper floor was less critical than in a case where large windows , surmounted by pointed arches , occupy the gables — this is almost a standard feature of Victorian village schools .
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