Example sentences of "[adj] but [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In any event , additional land has been identified since which not only covers this but also the scale of shortfall reflected in the SEELPI Reporter 's recommendations .
2 They were not , they were not dispensed with , well one could look back in seventy eight and say retrospectively how that process could have been started considerably earlier , er the honourable gentleman knows perfectly well that er as the Maastricht bill was winding its way through here it was n't really practical to run this but indeed the processes were started before the governing legislation was on the statute book and I quite understand why honourable gentlemen opposite wish to make their party points , particularly those particularly those who were not in the house in seventy eight which er does n't I think apply to the honourable gentleman from from Birmingham , when he knows perfectly well that the same kind of machinery is used now was used then and it was used as fairly and as honestly and as completely impartially as the time allowed .
3 The restrictions on newspaper advertising had no doubt contributed to this but perhaps the layout and phraseology of many of the Board 's own publications had made them unattractive to readers .
4 The world would remain unshaken over this but maybe the constable would have a gentle word with the unthinking reverser .
5 Shearman recalled that , at first , discussion with Hickson was unpromising but eventually the appointment of Pateman to the post , vacant from 1928 , was confirmed .
6 The force on the mobile charges is still qE but now the charges may follow the electric field all the way around the ring .
7 I felt terrible and wanted some but only the Corporals were allowed it .
8 Most of these have been used at one time or another but still the TL 072 op.amp seems to combine the best characteristics at a reasonable price .
9 This type occurs where the accused represents the truth to another but afterwards the facts change and the accused does not inform the victim that the facts have changed .
10 On Jan. 2 units of the OMON or " Black Berets " , a paramilitary police force formed by the USSR Interior Ministry in 1987 , seized Riga 's main press building , recently nationalized but previously the property of the pro-Moscow Latvian Communist Party ( CP ) .
11 In the case of a patient with a very high level , say 9 , that would bring it down to 7 but then the level will probably remain static .
12 Not only is this implication unfair but often the comments on Swiss law are misleading .
13 The disk is round , to slightly pentagonal , diameter up to 13 mm ; covered by trifid spinelets , rarely the spinelets may be more elaborate but often the crown is indistinct and the spinelets appear to be rugose .
14 If nothing is done , the regulations already passed will continue improving air quality until the mid-1990s but then the growth in population , and car numbers , will send pollution rising again , indefinitely . ’
15 Begbroke seemed ideal but then the vicar started laying down the law .
16 I speak English , French and Spanish but not the others mentioned , so I have had to be very open to inferring sociolinguistic information and to being wary of my own assumptions .
17 The material means of music are rationally quantifiable but not the mysteries of their application .
18 Two pork pies and a can of Coke each but not the apples which were imported Granny Smiths and bruised , and anyway they had strawberries .
19 In Manchester , as in Scotland , it was a good night for Labour but overall the result was still devastating .
20 He seemed to have kicked his heroin addiction and given up his unorthodox lifestyle three years ago when he married Becky Few-Brown but soon the marriage broke down .
21 Vigorously opposed by a number of clubs the IRFU has stood firm but ironically the flow of foreigners has continued , albeit in a different direction .
22 Its personal computer network protocol support is good but not the equal of Unix at its best .
23 Not only can up to four more engines be added to the complex but also the engines themselves can be replaced by more powerful versions .
24 Not only is the particular situation important but also the attitudes towards the leader by the followers are .
25 The trade could do more but essentially the sport needs money put in to the get the necessary kit , accommodation and instruction .
26 Eventually in 1858 Earl Stanhope moved in the House of Lords that the Queen should be petitioned by Parliament to remove from the Prayer Book the services which commemorated not only the death of Charles I but also the accession of Charles II in 1660 , the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 , and the landing of William of Orange in 1688 .
27 The central development of courses and units will assist this process , as not only will HN unit exemplars be made widely available but also the experience and staff development received by NDOs and Unit Writers at SCOTVEC will be extremely valuable and will be put to good use by their respective colleges .
28 They are not inaccessible but quite the reverse , and they have their original working use still . ’
29 An oval orbit would falsify the first but not the second , whereas any orbit that falsifies the second will also falsify the first .
30 Some MPs and peers were in favour of one but not the other .
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