Example sentences of "[adj] she be [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1972 she was awarded the UN peace medal .
2 Instead , hesitantly , terribly afraid she was doing the wrong thing , she plucked meanings from the firmament .
3 In 1898 she was awarded the D.Sc. , becoming the second woman geologist to receive this degree from the University of London .
4 ‘ To make sure she 's accepted the pension — and the conditions .
5 I mean , we did n't … he did n't … ’ she faltered , not at all sure she was telling the exact truth .
6 Accused number eight , as Mrs Mandela will be known for the duration of the trial , muttered barely inaudible replies to the magistrate who made sure she was following the proceedings .
7 In 1960 she joined the Sunday Express in London , where her news experience and personality quickly singled her out and in 1962 she was appointed the paper 's chief American correspondent , choosing to cross the Atlantic by Cunarder .
8 ‘ She 's good as gold is my ole mum , but now me farvver 's gone on short-time she 's feelin' the pinch .
9 Joanna 's grandfather was also adamant she was telling the truth .
10 On Nov. 9 she was declared the winner with 51.9 per cent support ( after the redistribution of second preference votes ) .
11 She was n't going to let Miguel know how anxious she was to choose the right thing to wear — fashionable yet not forward , pretty but not overdressed .
12 Sucking in a shaky breath , aware she was taking the greatest gamble of her life , she returned to face him .
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