Example sentences of "[adj] at the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The proposal form should be checked to see if the Policyholder disclosed the illness/injury or if the complaint first occurred after inception of the policy , did the Policyholder disclose this at the appropriate renewal date .
2 Once again , to play this at the correct tempo you should play it metrically , with great care given to the evenness of each note and to the left-hand fingering .
3 I thought I could best do this at the Foreign Office , since in the aftermath of Suez so many dangerous tangles remained to be unravelled and so many ruptured friendships to be mended .
4 In Scotland there are only a few who might in the future provide this at the top level .
5 We gained in confidence as we pressed on , until suddenly we broke through on to the cliff-top at the other side of the island .
6 The message comes out completely different at the other end . )
7 In the classified columns of the same newspapers advertisements for the return of runaway apprentices testify as much to harsh treatment as they do to the restlessness of youth , resentful at the constraining nature of apprenticeship .
8 And because of this we have a choice where to alter the theory when things go wrong at the observational level .
9 Somebody was telling me the Rocky was on R5 the other week & said that when he was with Arsenal & they won the league at Liverpool in the last few minutes , Arsenal were 13 ( ? ) points clear at the new year but still had to come from behind to overtake Liverpool ! ! !
10 Although it has been telling the world how successfully it has recovered , Unisys Corp made clear at the annual meeting last week just how parlous the company 's condition remains .
11 Everything was rosy at the Red House , which Dante Gabriel Rossetti , Morris 's close friend and mentor described as ‘ more a poem than a house … but an admirable place to live in too , .
12 Both tend to be high at the northern edge of the pack ice , over continental and island shelves where turbulence brings fresh resources to the surface , and at boundaries between water masses .
13 Kimber first danced in public at the golden jubilee celebrations in 1887 , but the side was disbanded after this , only to be revived by the Oxford don Percy Manning in 1897 , and Kimber did not perform with them again until 1899 .
14 Jackie Simmonds will be tutoring a pastel workshop on July 12 at the international Centre for Wildlife Art in Gloucestershire ( for full details see pages 10–11 ) using Schmincke 's Soft Pastels .
15 Constance was deeply embarrassed at the intimate turn the conversation had taken .
16 Roeder tentatively puts it at 1000 finished pictures and complains that there were few at the British Museum , still fewer in provincial libraries .
17 ‘ The Army were dishing out some at the Commemorative Hall earlier , ’ Maggie said .
18 But we 've found some thin sliced bread including some at the Late Shopper in Bedale ( thin sliced long loaf 53p ) and we liked the suggestion from Margaret Gent , our retiring switchboard lady , who says she buys uncut loaves and slices them very thinly with an electric carving knife …
19 Another point which may be considered under the heading of primary and secondary sources is the practice , very popular at the present moment , of giving verbatim statements made by respondents in interviews .
20 All done at one thirty , any more one fifty sixty , seventy one eighty one , one ninety two hundred two twenty two forty two forty at the very back there , any more at two forty ?
21 The Commercial Agricultural loans were made in 1985 at the high point of US aid when some $683,000,000 was deposited with state banks .
22 But the Burgermeister , usually so jovial and noisy , had proved to be exceedingly sound , never saying anything at all at the rehearsal other than to praise the faint-hearted at the very end .
23 There 's no doubt he can play into his late 30s at the top level .
24 Now it seems to me that they are challenging on that basis that they can it can be it can be detailed at the local level that individual boundaries can be challenged .
25 The power to renew a seamen 's canteen licence is exercisable at the quarterly meeting three years after the meeting at which the licence was first granted ( subs .
26 Finally , the gap between coverage of the Conservative and Labour Parties widens as the ladder of parliamentary status is ascended , being quite marked at the Prime Minister/Leader of the Opposition level ; Blumler found this a cause for some concern .
27 If , we reasoned , there really is a morphogen gradient , it should be possible to weaken the signal by decreasing the concentration , and so , instead of getting an additional set of digits 4 , 3 , 2 at the anterior margin only a 3 , 2 or a 2 should develop .
28 A mechanical wound was produced by crushing an area of 1cm 2 at the distal end of the cotyledon of a tomato seedling at the stage of development shown in Fig. 1 a , followed immediately by crushing a similar area on the proximal side of the first wound .
29 By their reasons the justices stated that the girl would continue to be liable to sexual abuse if allowed to return to her family as the mother refused to recognise the responsibility of the father for that abuse and that the mother would not protect the girl from the father on whom the mother was emotionally dependent ; that they had considered that the girl might be cared for by her half-sister but had concluded that it would be difficult to prevent contact between the girl and her father ; that they had formed the view that contact between the girl and her father would be harmful at the present time and therefore the local authority should refuse such contact until the review by the local authority in six months time ; and that there should be supervised reasonable contact between the girl and her mother and between the girl and her half-sister .
30 I would like to suggest an alternative interview on Wednesday 8 September 1993 at the above address at 2.00 pm .
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