Example sentences of "[adj] they [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , assistance and information is offered to these firms , guiding them through the planning and development process , and offering advice on a range of issues from education and housing to estate agents and government grants .
2 I have met women who epitomize the ‘ good mother ’ ; they genuinely love and care for their children and give them a great deal of attention , playing with them and guiding them in a way that most of us feel we can never emulate .
3 Her brother Jeff was guiding them alongside the jetty now .
4 He must free himself from the control of any established church and its priests and instead subordinate them to the State .
5 He dug a wad of papers from another drawer and passe them across the desk to Cornelius .
6 Why do n't you save a bit of money by firing that debt advisor in the Council and funnel all them to the debt advice bureau outside in the regular way ?
7 You wo n't ke get all them under the grill as well as the bacon .
8 I think that might be slightly different in terms of the environment , but nonetheless I think there is a way of encouraging children to think about and to be thoughtful about the sorts of choices that we make in life and the effects of our behaviour , without overwhelming them with the sense that it in fact is their responsibility .
9 Having recorded the guide-track , you can use it directly to cue the sections of music into place as you pre-record them onto the sound tape , or you can convert them first to tape-counter references ; another alternative is to mark their positions on the back of the tape with a wax pencil or felt-tip pen .
10 Bake them in An Oven and Broile them on a GridIron " .
11 If we can notice differences in people , then how is it that the IAAF and other governing bodies do not notice them as well and start target-testing them during the winter months ?
12 He designed his own pair of boots and test-walked them in the desert .
13 To have closed such a gap the niggled gentleman must have swiped the juice from his companions ' lips the moment we passed and kick-started them into a sprint .
14 I pooh-poohed them at the time .
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