Example sentences of "[adj] there was [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In phase 2 there was no difference in overall standardised referral rates between fundholders and non-fundholders .
2 2 There was the notion of the collective responsibility of the Cabinet or Government .
3 well , there was , after this there was a row of houses with a little shop on the end and her mother kept that shop , Colin
4 At the end of this there was a pause and gradually the widows spoke .
5 After this there was a pause before the soup appeared .
6 But for this there was a price to pay : when I was n't being ignored completely , I was being made fun of , especially in regard to my physical appearance which was frequently compared to that of a twelve-year-old boy .
7 Through all of this there was a shadow falling across the conversation , and it was a while before Alina could bring herself to give it a name .
8 The most frequent criticism was of the food , and over this there was a difference between old people 's homes for which 26 per cent thought the food ‘ not so good ’ and nursing homes for which it was 7 per cent .
9 Added to this there was a belief in the economies of scale of large organisations — hence the 1970 White Paper on the Reorganisation of Central Government and the 1972 Local Government Act which reduced substantially the number of local authorities creating much larger organisations .
10 At this there was a roar of mingled laughter and outrage .
11 By 9.30 there was no sign of Jo , so I suggested we headed off to Fulham .
12 Mm , mm , funny there was a lad here
13 In the 1890s there was a revival of interest in the sect , and several members of the Salvation Army joined Prince .
14 But in the 1880s and 1890s there was a sharpening of class antagonism with the rise of militant trade-unionism and the expansion of popular socialist organizations like the Social Democratic Federation and the infant Labour Party .
15 It was in the 1370s that the balance of the economy was seriously altered ; from 1372 there was a fall in basic food prices but no drop in wages , and this continued for some years , putting pressure on the profit margins which the manorial lords could secure from their estates ( 60 ) .
16 In 1985 there was a demand through area committees for the public adoption by the CAB of an anti-racist policy .
17 In 1571 there was a Law ‘ Every male person not possessed of 20 Marks rental should wear on Sundays and Holy Days when not on travell a wooden knit cap on pain of forfeiting 3s. 4d. a day . ’
18 As it was only ten years old there was a limit to how much could be wrong with it .
19 1.3.5 There was a need for provision which articulated with awards of other bodies eg the National Coaching Foundation .
20 On Nov. 22 there was a realignment within the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) in which the Spanish peseta and Portuguese escudo were devalued by 6 per cent against other currencies [ for currency crisis and realignments in September see pp. 39080-81 ] .
21 On 12 September 1991 there was a hearing of the care proceedings , a supervision order was made in respect of D. and he was returned to the mother .
22 In October 1991 there was a decrease of £0.08bn in the amount outstanding on credit agreements with consumers , compared with a decrease of £0.11bn in September .
23 Accordingly , on 18 December 1991 there was an application by the local authority to the family proceedings court at Corby for a care order .
24 In 1979 there was a multiplicity of 315 , mainly small , unions organising a total union membership of less than 3 million employees .
25 When Einstein 's centenary came along in 1979 there was a flurry of publishing activity .
26 Between 1971 and 1979 there was an increase in the economic activity of women aged between 55 and 59 , from 51% to 54% .
27 Promptly at quarter to six there was a knock on the outside door .
28 For nearly a century and a half after the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 there was a tendency for the ratio of casualties to total numbers engaged in West European wars to fall and for that of prisoners to dead and wounded to rise .
29 On March 7 there was a primary in South Carolina and Democrat caucuses in Wyoming and Arizona .
30 ‘ Still enjoying your masquerade , McAllister ? ’ he offered , and although his voice was soft there was a sting in his words .
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