Example sentences of "[adj] will [verb] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 This will terminate the PPR in faecal egg counts prior to moving the ewes and lambs to a safe pasture .
2 This will give the Cheshires a good deal more protection and pack a much more powerful punch should they be attacked again .
3 This will cause the LM curve to shift to the right , as shown in Fig. 6 .
4 This will keep the S.G. steady in a marine set-up .
5 This will help the NHS to make real advances in care and treatment .
6 This will rival the USA 's back bowls and the Arlberg 's skiroutes .
7 This will allow the HCIMA of offer a wider range of services to members and increase its sphere of influence .
8 The increase in resources that we propose for the Health Service in I 989 will enable the NHS to extend its remarkable record of achievement .
9 But from 1 January 1993 the three will join the UK 's fully fledged car company bosses ; the Marcos Mantara , Caterham K-series and Westfield ZEi will be the first ever kit cars to be sold fully built up , thanks to a helpful new bit of bureaucracy : Low Volume Type Approval .
10 DB2 Version 3 will support the DRDA extension for the two-phase commit protocol , which manages commit for multiple relational database systems in a single unit of work , enabling IMS/ESA Transaction Manager , IMS batch and CICS applications to update remote databases .
11 NCR Corp last week committed to making its StarSentry — global network management system — OSF DME-compliant : its Unix System 3000s will support the OSF DCE architecture by spring 1993 , it says .
12 Intel is expected to come out with its own building block chip sets that will work with both the P5 and the 50MHz 80486 : one will support the EISA bus for servers , the other , for workstations , will use Intel 's new PCI bus which has a 32-bit multiplexed burst-mode architecture to provide high bandwidth for graphics , networking and compression chips .
13 A row over which is best will reach the US 's Congress in May .
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