Example sentences of "[adj] will [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How much further will depend upon pressures of time and cost .
2 The Hamstation-1041 will follow at £13,960 .
3 Half will go in taxes .
4 If an entry coupon costs a pound , half will go in prizes , then charities , arts , sport and heritage get their cut as will the millennium fund , earmarked for major projects like new museums .
5 But this will end in September this year , giving IBM far more freedom to develop DOS the way it wants to .
6 The ¥64 trillion question , however , is what all this will mean for relations between big banks and big companies .
7 Knowing what to choose , assessing one policy against another , weighing up the risk factor as well as trying to estimate what this will mean in terms of your standard of living after you retire could be a bit of a gamble even for a financial expert .
8 One particular factor to be taken into account is the country in which incorporation is deemed to have taken place ; the criteria for this will vary from state to state , so care must be taken over this issue .
9 The ‘ nominal essence ’ of the clock is the idea we have of it and , as with gold , this will vary from person to person .
10 Even on the same diet , this will vary from person to person depending on many individual factors , including the amount of excess weight ( the heavier you are the faster you tend to shed weight ) and the degree of energy expended in physical activity .
11 This will depend on space being available to handle larger blocks in main storage ; it was considered in more detail in Chapter 4 ( see p. 75 ) .
12 This will arise at times when other staff are more readily available .
13 If , for example , the alleged error relates to the construction of a term with which the courts are familiar then this will tend towards substitution of judgment , whereas more specific or technical matters will normally lead to a greater degree of discretion being granted to the agency , the legal conclusion being expressed in the form of the rational basis test .
14 The best method is to begin at the fainter of the two Pointers ( Agena , or Beta Centauri ) and extend a line from it through Alpha Trianguli Australe ; prolonged for far enough this will lead to Alpha Pavonis in the Peacock , after which the other Birds can be sorted out .
15 It is further suggested that this will lead to women being able to take up paid work instead , further advancing their equality with men .
16 This will lead to disaffection and doubt or it will lead to ineffectiveness .
17 SBUs will value these interdependencies differently and this will lead to inconsistencies in the behaviour of linked SBUs .
18 The WWF fear that this will lead to erosion , and that the habitats of various rare species will disappear .
19 The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors has warned this will lead to redundancies among architects and quantity surveyors .
20 This will lead to delays .
21 This will lead to revenue short-falls for the period and consequently less cash flow than the industry would have wished .
22 If futures are mispriced , this will lead to arbitrage transactions , and these will tend to remove the initial mispricing by pushing the spot and futures prices back into line .
23 Those constructing future policies and principles should strive to make them exemplary in this regard , not least because of the encouragement this will give to schools to be rigorous in their own thinking .
24 Some of this will consist of protein .
25 Much of the responsibility for this will rest with health authorities who will play the key role in demonstration projects recently announced by the Government .
26 Failure to do this will result in absences being regarded as unauthorised , and may result in further action being taken .
27 This will result in self-regulation of the use of water to the point where the health of the individual , the family and the public at large , will suffer .
28 If the supply of vitamins and mineral in the diet is inadequate , this will result in changes in body chemistry , and a slowing down or altering of the body 's metabolism , usually with some deterioration in body fitness or health .
29 Make sure that lines do not inadvertently touch each other , or this will result in short-circuits on the finished board .
30 The additional money that we 're looking for this year er a substantial amount of this will go to funding of the rent for the new premises for the c the Citizens ' Advice Bureau and I do n't propose to stand here and defend the Citizens ' Advice Bureau because it does n't need it , I hope .
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