Example sentences of "[adj] which [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Adorno 's aesthetics , the value of the cultural and the aesthetic lies in difference and negation and it is this which is threatened by the commodification of culture .
2 There is one important exception to this which is related to the approval process .
3 It is precisely this which is lacking in normal mourning , which is otherwise the closest approximation to clinical depression , and , as we can now see , constitutes the central pathological process both in the latter and in its collective , externalized equivalent , the melancholy of socialism :
4 The former has large , long , pointed bright green leaves , the latter has rounded , much smaller leaves , with a much better flavour , and it is this which is used by the French for making soup .
5 You see , I think a mag such as this which is dedicated to a particular subject should carry some article which would help readers learn more about the technical aspects of guitars as well .
6 She expressed intense feelings of irritation and anger at this which were denied by her husband .
7 In Skircoat Moor Road is a slender octagonal tower 253 feet high which was built in 1875 as a chimney for the dye-works of J.E .
8 In Niemeyers , for example , the company language is English which is used for 70% of all non-Dutch communication ( with French and German each approximately 15% to make up the rest ) .
9 Apart from these texts there are a few which are revealing for the opposite reason : they deny the existence of a trust where it might have been expected .
10 It 's an ex-London Midland and Scottish Railway Class 5P4F 2-6-0 No. 42765 which was born between the wars at Crewe Works in 1927 .
11 Among some of his frescoes there are some which are imprinted on the memory for ever . ’
12 He said about 30 files in the Public Records Office , including some which were closed to the public , were examined .
13 From these librations , and from J 2 which is obtained from the orbits of spacecraft , C can be calculated .
14 Chemicals for radioimmunoassay were obtained from Amersham International except PGE 2 antisera , which was from Sigma Chemicals Limited and TXB 2 which was donated by Dr Lawrence Levine .
15 What is common to all of them and to others , as it is to the first two sorts of " if " statements , is that none states the kind of connection of one thing with another which is expressed by any dependent conditional .
16 All the authorities subsequent to Cumber v. Wane ( 1721 ) 1 Stra. 426 which were relied upon by the appellant at your Lordships ' Bar ( such as Sibree v. Tripp ( 1846 ) 15 M. & W. 23 ; Curlewis v. Clark ( 1849 ) 3 Exch. 375 and Goddard v. O'Brien ( 1882 ) 9 Q.B.D. 37 ) have proceeded upon the distinction that , by giving negotiable paper or otherwise , there has been some new consideration for a new agreement , distinct from mere money payments in or towards discharge of the original liability .
17 And they were the sort of corsets that gave you the the straight boyish look that was necessary for the clothes of the twenties and the early thirties which were cut on the cross .
18 The UN Security Council , in Resolution 750 which was adopted by a unanimous vote on April 10 , reaffirmed the independence and territorial integrity of the island as a " bicommunal and bizonal " federation comprising two communities with equal political rights .
19 We submit that this approach is preferable to the subsequent decision of the Court of Appeal in Dexter v Courtaulds Ltd [ 1984 ] 1 WLR 372 which was given in ignorance of the earlier decision in Prokop .
20 Two schools for the deaf which were opened in the 1900s were both from the start to establish a pure oralist tradition .
21 The physical is defined , for example , as that which is recognized by science , that which is " an essential part of the coherent and adequate descriptive and explanatory account of the spatio-temporal-causal world " .
22 20 But while he thought on these things , behold , the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream , saying , Joseph , thou son of David , fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife : for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost .
23 To put it more briefly , the property FRENCH applies to or ( other things equal ) is true of that which is designated by the noun .
24 This will be based upon legitimacy , i.e. that which is accepted within a particular society as conferring the right to rule .
25 It has a strategic significance in bridging the gap between women 's unpaid and unacknowledged domestic work and that which is rewarded by ( albeit low ) wages .
26 ’ It is vain for these Arabs to endeavour to resist the consummation of that which is written in the Book of Fate , ’ fulminated Lord Palmerston , when he was foreign secretary .
27 Then again , Nicodemus discovered perhaps a strange thing , in a way , but he discovered that , that which is born of the flesh is flesh , to use the words of Jesus .
28 That which is born of the flesh is flesh .
29 But Jesus does n't just say that which is born of the flesh is flesh , but he also says , and that is which is born of the spirit is spirit .
30 In the following verse , that which is born of the flesh , is flesh .
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