Example sentences of "[adj] as it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly intriguing as it incriminates food in the pathogenesis of Crohn 's disease .
2 Problem solving can require ideas as much as it does information .
3 The Church of the Latter Day Saints abhors divorce and abortion as much as it does alcohol and caffeine .
4 I remember he once told me not to move the head too much as it weighs 22lbs .
5 Quite independent of the way higher education may be funded , there is a need for higher education institutions to rethink their role and function just as much as it behoves industry , commerce and the public services .
6 Britain needs chemists as much as it needs doctors and as a result there will be high employment prospects for chemistry graduates in the future .
7 One thing about him that was widely known was the fact that he was a businessman , and so it was as such that he was welcomed ; the party could even claim some credit for being the first to elect a businessman as its leader — much as it claimed credit in 1975 for electing a woman , although Margaret Thatcher had certainly not been chosen for that reason .
8 When this scheme was unveiled , it terrified laymen ( including many Tory MPs ) almost as much as it infuriated doctors .
9 The development of industry within urban areas tends to be welcome as it provides employment for those who lose their jobs when older industries become redundant .
10 A desk with an adjustable sloping top is useful as it provides storage space too , but probably the most practical aid , especially as the pupil progresses into secondary school , is a light , portable reading stand that can be easily taken from room to room as required .
11 Inner conflict has as much potential for good as it does evil , for the conflicts experienced provide opportunities for mature choices , as well as self-luxuriating indulgences .
12 My own minicom is invaluable as it enables users with profound hearing loss to give and receive instant conversation .
13 But many people would no doubt argue that the current ‘ anything goes as long as it sells papers ’ style goes too far the other way .
14 And they tolerated Gustav — gave him a job on the land — as long as it kept Mina happy and she kept them happy .
15 Beyond that was a stable , with the horse standing there indifferently , uncaring what passed before its eyes as long as it had food .
16 Christianity , as long as it remains Christianity , can not lose its historical reference .
17 Ah sure well that , th th that 's , that 's what , but anyway , as long as it created discussion , that was the point of it .
18 He also undertook not to publish any paperback version of ‘ The Satanic Verses ’ as long as it gave offence .
19 From a purely selfish point of view , if the policy were to indicate specific areas of the county erm where this policy would er be appropriate and would apply erm and as long as it excluded Craven , then I think
20 The important thing to remember is that it does n't matter in the slightest what this garment looks like , as long as it boasts practicality and water-resistant qualitites .
21 This notion of delicacy is important as it draws attention to primary similarities before directing attention to secondary differences .
22 The extremely utilitarian front end of the Sprinters is displayed against the massive ironwork of the Forth Bridge by No 150284 as it heads south working the 13.40 Dundee to Edinburgh train on 29 August 1988 .
23 Well as daft as it seems Dennis as you probably know in this sort of game you 're on the roads very late at night and when you 're on the roads very late at night , you get a lot of bored policemen
24 At dawn one spring morning a heavily loaded freight train , headed by a pre-war 2 — 8 — 0 locomotive , was running out of steam owing to a badly clinkered fire-bed as it approached Brook End signal box .
25 Overall severity of gastrointestinal symptoms influenced the final height centile as it had height velocity during the initial years of follow up .
26 And secondly , I think the second one is exactly the same as it stands Madam Chairman .
27 An overall cleaning materials budget accessible to several departments is useless as it invites irresponsibility as expenditure can not be traced .
28 However , despite being framed as a negative provision , the House of Lords held that the clause was unenforceable as it lacked certainty in that it was not for a fixed period of duration .
29 South of where it joins the Urskoy the river is broad and impossible to cross , becoming steadily wider as it flows west towards Talabheim .
30 The Myrcan stave was almost invisible as it smashed bones and cracked skulls , hurling the animals into the river , and Darmid 's sword wreaked havoc also .
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