Example sentences of "[adj] to [pron] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 But I would have thought you 'd expect him to be faithful to you for a day or two at least . ’
2 And that 's worth six to you for a start !
3 She informed me that a double room at the front was available , though I was welcome to it for the price of a single .
4 ‘ Besides , if we hurry home , I can have you all to myself for a while before they come . ’
5 ‘ But I 'm talking too much — it 's having you all to myself for the first time . ’
6 She needed to keep it all to herself for a few hours — hours in which she could live that precious time over and over again , recall his kisses , his voice and , above all , the look in his eyes .
7 We too are called to exchange the things that are important to us for the sake of the transformation God wishes to work in us .
8 However , normally one contact man from each of the units is transferred to the staff of the project manager and is responsible to him for the work that is done in his unit .
9 The surveyor will be responsible to you for the stated purpose of the report .
10 ‘ … the impracticability of individual copyright holders administering their performing rights effectively means that membership of a performing right society is the only way in which composers , songwriters and music publishers can adequately protect their rights and receive what is due to them for the public use of their work . ’
11 You ca n't expect a man to walk around thinking he 's got to be grateful to them for the rest of his life — it 's ludicrous .
12 He was particularly grateful to him for the ‘ extraordinary kindness ’ he had shown his wife , Bowyer 's niece Blanche Highgate , near whom he was buried in St Dunstan in the West .
13 But a wider public , both inside and outside the University , are grateful to him for the windows he has opened up to them , through his recent chairmanship of the Friends of the Welsh National Opera , through his talks and articles , and above all through his learned , wise and witty discourses on Wagner .
14 Is my right hon. Friend aware that I am extremely grateful to him for the wise decision to retain the St.
15 I can say to my honourable friend , the member for Rydale who takes such a close interest and is so well informed er on these matters , er I 'm very grateful to him for the welcome he 's given for the orders here , he 's absolutely right to say that we have gone beyond er what restrictive called for by Bingham , we have extended it to other sectors in the financial we welcomed the honourable gentleman from Edinburgh Central that these er orders are in some way timid , they are what was called for by the treasury select committee , they are what was proposed er by Bingham and we have er introduced them er here tonight .
16 The first questions that you brought up was , if possible I would be very grateful to you for a brief description of the two raids to Gdynia Pole ninth of October in Colesfield tenth of October nineteen forty three .
17 I am grateful to you for the information .
18 ‘ Then perhaps you could make a small room available to me for a few hours ?
19 the resources which he could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and
20 In relation to clauses which impose a monetary limit on damages recoverable in the event of breach of contract , the court is also to take into account : ( a ) the resources which [ the party seeking to rely on the clause ] could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and ( b ) how far it was open to him to cover himself by insurance .
21 Voluntary Severance that staff will have individual voluntary Severance options made available to them for a limited period .
22 The next facet of my approach was that I wanted to see more flexibility in the hands of local family health services authorities over the application of funds and the use of the substantial sums of money that are available to them for the development of primary health care .
23 Given the variety of strategies available to us for the pronunciation of words , it is not surprising that there are marked individual differences in the ways in which skilled readers respond to different kinds of words .
24 We 'll be travelling down under to Australia , and coming live to you for a whole week from Sydney .
25 But she was going to have to keep the door open to him for the next twenty years and , like it or not , it was something that she would have to come to terms with .
26 There was still the rupee for his food , and another rupee given to him for the train journey back .
27 Daily Express : I am much obliged to you for the precis of Mr Bonar Law 's speech last night .
28 And a good many are obliged to us for the work they get here .
29 She was desperate for more of him ; her body ached for fulfilment , for the feel of his need and strength inside — so that when he entered her , when she felt that first wondrous thrust , which brought both pleasure and pain , it was as she 'd always dreamed , and as his urgent rhythm continued , bringing them both to that glorious peak of exhilaration , Robyn cried out his name , held him close to her for a moment and wished things could be like this forever .
30 Well erm I 've just come off holiday and so I wo n't be entitled to none for the first four days .
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