Example sentences of "[adj] in how [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was interested in how a mind works that is as analytical and calculating as his seems to be . ’
2 You 're no more interested in how a programme is put together than you are in flying to the moon ! ’
3 I was sure that nearly everyone was interested in how the universe operates , but most people can not follow mathematical equations — I do n't care much for equations myself .
4 In these circumstances we are interested in how the press reports these crimes and how this has been changing .
5 The geographer on the other hand , is primarily interested in how the landscape works , and in man 's interactions with it , and thus recognizes that water is but one of the terrestrial phenomena in the total complex interacting ecosystem in which he is really interested .
6 But Sir John is as interested in how the company 's money is spent as any bank manager .
7 It is not an adequate defence of the inductivist position to point out that parents and teachers select a set of red objects when teaching children to understand the concept ‘ red ’ , for we are interested in how the concept first acquired its meaning .
8 Marx in his early writing was much interested in how the illusion of religion comes about , but in his later writing he seems to have lost interest in religion .
9 An in-depth study of parental opinions about values in schooling found parents have strong opinions , but what was striking was the lack of willingness to become more involved in how the school goes about dealing with the issue .
10 These values , then , are not so important in how the person assesses themselves or others .
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