Example sentences of "[adj] in [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 PAMELA : Angels and saints and all the host of heaven defend me ! [ aside ] I read this in a book a night or two ago .
2 ‘ Steve and I talked about all this in the restaurant the other night … ’
3 The only beneficiary who is entitled to receive sums immediately from the date of death is a life tenant of the residuary estate which is not made clear in the question the reader asks .
4 Mr makes there was an under , enumeration of figures and that has been made clear in the reply the reply is quite clear about the basis on which the structure plan is being promulgated and the total projected total population in two thousand and six regards the historical data , that should be taken , as far as I 'm concerned , as matters of fact , will of course not be absolutely accurate and as far as projected data is concerned all that we can do any of us can do is to try and make the best estimates possible and I am satisfied that our officers will have done that .
5 High in the roof a hole allows the sun to strike the brass line twice annually , on 21 June and 21 December , at noon .
6 There is something medieval in the way the Spaniard can reconcile earthy realism and practical common sense with soaring fantasy and spiritual exaltation .
7 Fortunately for some in the audience the soppy songs in Benny Green 's reworking of George Bernard Shaw 's 100-year-old romantic comedy You Never Can Tell act as an anaesthetic and they are put out of their misery long before the interval .
8 Both Mrs Hogg and Mr Robinson are seriously interested in the way the cake is cut , not just in how fast it can expand .
9 But anyway , talking about engineering as a whole , quite obviously it 's interesting to go back a bit because I 'm always interested in the way the institutions actually started because er there 's a lovely story about er , the Stephenson brothers and tho , ju , having just come down from Scarborough on a mini-holiday we stopped at York and I went over a great big museum there , and quite obviously seeing the marvellous locomotives you realise that George Stevenson had er , a lot to do with that .
10 Some students would be interested in the way the medium is used to convey a message .
11 Greenblatt 's Shakespearean Negotiations , for instance , is interested in the way the Elizabethan theatre produced texts which were in no respect outside other institutions of the time .
12 Surely you 're interested in the way the Brain works .
13 Nowadays the government 's lawyers appear more interested in the publicity a case will win them than anything else .
14 ‘ They are not interested in the helping the kids enjoy themselves .
15 If the Registrar finds that the further particulars are in order , he must note the date of their receipt and send to the company and any person interested in the charge a copy of the particulars and the date on which they were delivered .
16 The addition of the words " The Editor " are still not going to solve the problem , since the editor of a national Newspaper is hardly likely to be interested in the launch a new kettle or the fact that your organisation has discovered a new way to process cheese !
17 Art checked his books , there were a lot of little marks on the end papers , other readers marking their patch no doubt , defiling narrative as dinosaurs have devoured other less fortunate in the past no doubt .
18 One suspects that , rather than deconstructing the process of voyeurism — ‘ the gaze ’ — they succeed very much in the way a faded Edwardian photograph succeeds , transporting us back to a specific moment in time , fixed in the honeyed glow of nostalgia ; their presence is reassuring rather than unsettling .
19 With a foreword by Hamish Mahaddie , himself an ex Whitley pilot , this book recalls the pioneering days of the bombing offensive when the Whitley was very much in the frontline every night , flying over Germany , Czechoslovakia , Austria , Poland , Italy and all the German occupied countries of Western Europe .
20 At about six in the evening the trip home would begin , after some hectic moments of rounding up the strays .
21 At six in the morning the descent party arrives at the High Force Hotel .
22 The following Sunday at six in the morning the three of us set off from International Backside into the thick early morning mist .
23 I believe that if you are honest in the theatre the audience will be there . ’
24 The soil between the long rows of vines is kept weed-free , so this early in the year the hills look rather bare .
25 UNITA lost South African logistical support in the area as a result of Namibian independence , but after an initially successful government offensive early in the year the military balance swung in the rebels ' favour .
26 However one looks at the early movies one comes up against the decisive contribution of the showmen , but obviously their role was most noticeable in the way the movies were presented .
27 The same report also notes the Park East council ward , which includes part of the estate , is the most deprived in the borough a calculation which takes into account factors such as car ownership .
28 Headway Pronunciation is unique in the way the exercises link pronunciation with language work , such as structures , functions , and vocabulary .
29 ‘ Sure God save us , ’ they would say , ‘ is n't it soft in the head the poor man must be to be carrying round an old gun for to fight the Rooskies ? ’
30 ( And behind these in the imagination the heavy tomes , eaten away and dusty , of the Dutch still-life masters ' reminders of the vanity of human wishes , of death . )
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