Example sentences of "[adj] in [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was interested in how a mind works that is as analytical and calculating as his seems to be . ’
2 You 're no more interested in how a programme is put together than you are in flying to the moon ! ’
3 You know , you may go for a long time and not see any , then you 'll see two or three in possibly a week .
4 Yes I suppose it 's true that for somebody like me I 've been involved in quite a lot of different groups over over the years and the quarry men 's support group is it 's difficult to put in words really er exactly how it 's erm you know I think it 's very easy f for groups to become sort of s set really and er well I 've always wanted it to involve everybody and I think it does that in a way it sort of er it 's quite special to all of us in in a funny sort of way it 's er you know we feel quite committed .
5 I therefore have a fair amount experience of this region and also erm I have been involved in quite a lot of erm estimates of housing provision over the years .
6 The Examination Council came into being some erm nine months ago and has already been involved in quite a lot of activity , I mean particularly the erm problem of sixteen-plus examining , whether we should move from a system of erm O-levels and C S E , or to a combined system , Sixteen-plus Examination it would probably be called .
7 He was delighted with all we 'd done to make the house habitable in under a week and greatly enjoyed partying with friends .
8 We do n't name him but whoever is in a particular spot should be responsible for a certain area , which in in fundamentally it is done that in quite a number of instances but I mean one thing that springs to mind is that a lady shall clear the ladies toilets .
9 Of course , we have not done everthing in just a year , nor have we taken things forward in every aspect as much as we would have wished .
10 After Downes had been driven away , Morse and Lewis walked back to their own car , where Morse gave urgent instructions to the forensic lab to sent a couple of their whizz-kids over to the railway station — immediately ! — and to Kidlington HQ to see that a breakdown van would be available in about an hour 's time to ferry away a certain Metro .
11 No , because maybe even now we can credibly describe the latest New FADS single , ‘ It 's Not What You Know ’ — their first in almost a year — as their finest and biggest yet , with Andy yelping sourly across a cavernous chamber of whirling percussive dislocation .
12 And er but for all this , erm funny enough we we had er a fair in twice a year .
13 On a crowded traffic way he 'd have been dead in under a minute but the barren landscape of this world offered little in the way of obstacles and the vehicle seemed able to right itself over the irregular peaks that occasionally reared unexpectedly out of the mists .
14 In 1860 he won the headmaster 's poetry prize with ‘ The Escorial ’ ; another schoolboy poem appeared in February 1863 in Once a Week , one of the few to be published during his lifetime .
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