Example sentences of "[adj] and [adv] [vb base] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Just as the catechism sets out the substance of the faith for the lay people , so Primers , specifically designed prayer books to enable lay people to share in the liturgical offices of the Church , incorporated it into a series of devotions that daily and poignantly remind man of the cycle of salvation .
2 Immatures ( see pp. 156–7 ) start brown and gradually develop adult plumage , over 3–4 years in the larger species .
3 Thus interest rates may be too high and so discourage investment , while what finance there is for investment is channelled into socially inefficient uses .
4 The cost of provision of such sewers and the associated easements can be very high and therefore affect site value .
5 She published a history of the UDC , Builders of Peace ( 1924 ) , and from 1925 to 1928 was editor of the UDC journal , Foreign Affairs , which she aimed to make a more popular and widely read journal .
6 The many types of mycobacteria vary in their pathogenicity ; some are saprophytic and rarely cause disease , while others are potentially pathogenic , particularly in immunocompromised patients .
7 Another and widely spread practice is for the head of a laboratory to add his name automatically to any paper published from it , though he may have no contribution at all to the work .
8 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for solitary stones with its 85% effectiveness at one year , two sessions of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy , 15% failures and an estimated 30% recurrences in the long term ( assuming that only half of them become symptomatic and therefore need treatment ) will cost US$1970 ( £1150 ) .
9 Is it not likely that the healing powers are continually trying to maintain order in the system but once the external stresses reach a certain level this can no longer be done ‘ passively ’ but the very attempt to keep a balance produces outward signs which we generally find uncomfortable and so call disease ; which is literally a lack of ease or disease .
10 Within its own terms this book is successful , but one could suggest that those terms are restrictive and hardly do justice to the breadth and variety of Shakespeare 's style .
11 Once a vendor has consulted he may find himself under moral pressure from his employees to complete as soon as possible and hopefully re-establish certainty for them over their future .
12 Interestingly enough I 've got a book er back in my office about things like T V comedy and situation comedy and stuff like that and also y'know kind of variety sort of comedy with sketches and s y'know Two Ronnies , Monty Pythons and stuff erm would that be of any use to you if you were to borrow it ?
13 That 's done that and now print page .
14 The rigidities and continuities of the planning and design process may constrain ability to deal with the unanticipated and often press purpose built systems into unlikely roles .
15 ‘ British girls are fairly low-key and often lack confidence , ’ says Mignon , who scours the country auditioning potential models .
16 Many species of fish employ similar defence tactics , with fin-rays hardened into sharp spines which are often greatly elongated and frequently have poison added , making a lasting impression .
17 It may be that in attempting to stamp out over-risky practices the regulators can become over-zealous and adversely affect risk taking activities that are fundamental to the workings of the financial system .
18 The lesson , in my view is clear : neither to stand still and simply change leader ; nor , certainly , to go lurching back to the early 1980s , but to continue and intensify the process of change .
19 Responses which allow a steady state solution but do not allow convergence to that solution might be considered implausible and certainly deserve examination and further study .
20 Educated at the City of London School , he saw active service in France in 1918 and then read history at Merton College , Oxford , obtaining a first class in modern history in 1922 , and a D.Phil. in 1924 with a thesis on The Last Florentine Republic ( published in 1925 ) .
21 The Danish government successfully sponsored a proposal originating with US conservationist groups , but opposed by the US government , to list the black bear in Appendix II and thereby limit trade in bear gall bladders ( which , like rhino horn and other exotic products , were used in oriental traditional medicine ) .
22 The Danish government sponsored a proposal originating with US conservationist groups , but opposed by the US government , to list the black bear in Appendix II and thereby limit trade in , especially , bear gall bladders [ see above ] .
23 On a political level , these schemes help to maintain the status quo , because they satisfy some of the minimum housing needs of the poor and so reduce pressure for radical reforms .
24 busy and never have time to kill — No — it 's not just a
25 If your business is large , your requirements may be complicated and therefore need discussion and planning .
26 Claimed to be more user friendly is a product from Interpet , Pond Balance , which is said to be environmentally safe and actually encourage plant growth .
27 Mr Adair said : ‘ A responsible and properly run society needs a system of legal aid to enable those of poor or moderate means to have access to justice . ’
28 In the following definitions Key 1/Key 2 means ‘ press Key 1 and then press Key 2 ’ .
29 Although the limb is three-dimensional I will treat it as if it were two-dimensional and only consider position with respect to two axes , the antero-posterior axis which runs across the limb from digit 2 to digit 4 , and the long , or proximo-distal axis , which runs from the shoulder to the tip of the digits .
30 First , there is the risk that a subsequent chargee will be registered first and thus gain priority .
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