Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] [art] few " in BNC.

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1 By the time his ready smile reached us we were glad to see him and retreated to try to get warm and ask a few questions .
2 Or maybe a process of natural selection had winnowed out the overworked and discontented , the theoretical and jaded and left the few who were propelled back to the school by the same affection , curiosity and remembered enthusiasm that had drawn us .
3 The Nutcracker suite in this charming 17th-century inn is so called because the low-ceilinged doorway has an exposed beam which has caught out the unwary and cracked a few heads in its time .
4 Today ( a wet Monday ) he was up as usual at 6.30 and had a few cornflakes and a pint of coffee .
5 We drove back down the West side , through the Waipoua Forest which is still quite extensive and contains a few giant kauris , magnificent , almost unbelievably huge when you get up to them .
6 The stranger fell ill and died a few days later .
7 Buy the shirts large and have a few for variety .
8 Any suggestion to the contrary was simply an excuse for the locals to feel self-important and settle a few scores with their neighbours .
9 When put to bed he appeared nearly lifeless and died a few hours after . ’ )
10 Le Fauconnier , Léger , Delaunay , Metzinger and Gleizes chose for themselves Salle 41 and accepted a few other painters to be shown with them , among them , at the request of Apollinaire , Marie Laurencin .
11 When the girl 's parents denied the engagement , the boy was beaten unconscious and died a few hours later in hospital .
12 But the dressmaker had obviously decided it was too plain and added a few frills to liven it up a bit .
13 I too got to the Imperial by 12:30 and asked a few likely candindates were Tim !
14 Mr Bush dealt with the older children first and placed a few evacuees with them at the back .
15 Disconcertingly , April muttered something incomprehensible and moved a few steps away from them .
16 Ayala Lasso also expressed the hope that the admission of the Koreas would reduce regional tension and provide the two states with " an appropriate forum in which to consider the many things they have in common and to overcome the few remaining obstacles to their unification " .
17 One side of the sheet lists the children of Charles the Cheesemonger , starting with the birth of William Charles in 1772 and appending a few dates of death for good measure .
18 The right of the painter to move around an object and combine various views of it into a single image , first stated in writing by Metzinger in 1910 and elaborated a few months later by Allard , was quickly adopted by most critics as a central feature of the style , and became related to the conceptual or intellectual aspect .
19 But , even if it WAS all his fault … on the whole he is playing excellent and made a few vital interceptions ( Soton for one ) .
20 Despite the tensions of the human rights office , she was always remarkably good-humoured and adored the few social moments she allowed herself .
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