Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 She expressed her wonder at this and asked for the name in Italian .
2 Please can you look into this and arrange for the job to be finished as soon as possible .
3 Ooh I 'll carry on watching this and go for a bloody shower !
4 Using exactly the same technique , I encouraged her to imagine doing just this and to practise for a further fortnight , after which she was in fact able to go to the local park and sit on a bench watching the children at play .
5 Each one is a potential hypnotic and competes for the attention .
6 4 You can learn more about the vauDe range by ringing 0434 320744 and asking for a catalogue .
7 Potential defectors are asked to call Manhattan ( 212 ) 553-2700 and ask for the counterintelligence section at extension 3037 . ’
8 He prepared the altar for Mass , opened the-door and waited for the small trickle of his congregation to enter .
9 I would have got the answer wrong and plumped for the gin riots .
10 Not that these two , makers of last year 's spunky , delirious , wankable ‘ Love And Life ’ album , are likely to get one , this being too bass-heavy and reggaeish for the world of Our Tune .
11 Determined , eager , brave and lusting for the real thing ,
12 Mrs McNee said she had watched her children become disillusioned and despondent and feared for the long-term effects on their emotional as well as physical health .
13 The plaintiffs , a borough council , brought proceedings under section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 and applied for an interlocutory injunction to restrain the defendants from using shop premises of theirs for trade on Sundays in breach of section 47 of the Shops Act 1950 The defendants resisted the claim against them on the ground , inter alia , that section 47 was in conflict with article 30 of the E.E.C .
14 And , like a little child , he stopped being careful and tense for a moment and said what was in his head , quite simply .
15 With this statement , Roebuck was answering a question about his defence and , in particular , an unforgettable head-on tackle he effected when the All Black 's runaway rhino , no.8 Wayne Shelford , was huffing , puffing and snorting for the tryline when North Harbour played New South Wales just under 12 months ago .
16 He seemed embarrassed and stammered for the first time in his English .
17 Bake for 1 hour , then reduce temperature to 150C/300F/Gas 2 and bake for a further 1¾–2 hours or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean .
18 I went back into the club proper and headed for the ‘ phone .
19 Such writing is essentially public and intended for an audience .
20 Craig hurried up the stairs as the knocking became more insistent and paused for a moment staring back to the hallway .
21 It was Welsh rugby at its best and it proved to be much too quick , clever and alert for a Baa-Baas side boasting five current Springbok squad members , three Namibian internationals and a host of top Provincial players from the Republic .
22 They left within two days of his release , leaving me tired , dazed , relieved and waiting for the Second Son to come ‘ home ’ for yet another week-end .
23 They were waiting to pounce , I know it ; that 's how they live ; they hang about in the dark , watching ( such a creature will see in the dark , never fear ) and listening and feeling for the minuscule rise in temperature and small vibrations which signal a passing vascular system , then they hop on board and they … suck .
24 Immortality is for Tithonus a punishment , it is cold and silent whereas death is warm and inviting for the old man .
25 The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act passed in 1985 mandated the federal government to balance the budget by 1991 and allowed for the sequestration of funds if President and Congress failed to reach agreement .
26 The change in employment may not always be so favourable as yesterday 's either , but the market is now starting to feel bullish and looking for a FT-SE of 3,000 by next year .
27 And then there 's a , a series of er oh and they add er er during the people 's governments or at or above the may in accordance with the local land agency set apart certain land bound to be nationalized and used for the establishment of experimental farms or one or more county 's or model state farms , so there 's provision for the creation of so a form of socialism over the countryside but it 's , it comes a long way down the list .
28 The quality of life that is appropriate and fitting for the neonate , young adult , handicapped man , and elderly woman are different .
29 The first one was still exploding through my cortex as I gulped the second and reached for the third .
30 They could either follow their husbands into battle , taking their children with them , or they could stay at home , unprotected and unsupported and wait for the pillaging Parliamentarians or the papist Royalists to capture them and confiscate their property .
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