Example sentences of "[adj] of [pron] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 From our point of view we 're not in the position and it would be totally wrong of us actually to try in public to deal with those or to come to a specific conclusion about any particular proposal .
2 Burning brands from the huts and from two galleys the MacIans had fired were seized and thrown into the MacIans ' own ships , to draw some of them away to put out the fires .
3 And you have to get some of them in to make good scores .
4 Questions of this switched on and some of them how to do .
5 Then I pull some of it out to clear a bit of space .
6 It was he who taught some of us how to use a .38 calibre revolver when we went hiking on the rolling prairies for shooting competitions , with gophers or tin cans as our main targets .
7 Now that I 'm feeling a bit calmer , I can see that it was amazingly presumptuous of me even to imagine that Madeleine might love me enough to sacrifice all the luxuries she 's used to , just to be with me !
8 I do not mean to be offensive to the hon. Member for Sherwood when I say that he has entertained us with his prepared briefs in many of our coal debates , but that it is a bit rich of him continually to criticise the contraction of the coal industry when he has supported many of his Government 's policies on the industry .
9 It was n't polite of them not to answer the door , knowing that he was standing there , but it did n't really matter .
10 How typical of her not to tell me .
11 She 's had two or three of them home to stay and things .
12 It would be churlish of me not to say how much I welcome that statement , and how much I rejoice in the fact that to add to the four climbdowns that I announced at 4 o'clock , there is a fifth — the abandonment of the proposal announced by the Home Secretary in column 167 of Hansard on 2 July .
13 They also eat about 3,000 midges a night each , a contribution to Scottish life which it is churlish of you not to acknowledge !
14 Somehow she felt certain that he would always be far too sure of himself even to consider the possibility .
15 I do n't think anything will ever change that so it 's very stupid of me even to hope … to live in the hope that he … that it 'll ever be different .
16 Stupid of me not to realise that here , also …
17 Thousands of foreigners from all parts of the world were so concerned about events in Spain that they actually went there to fight in the war , many of them never to return .
18 Meanwhile , those of you yet to take out a home-loan but thinking of doing so might be better off going for the repayment version where you pay off a little bit of the loan and interest as you go along .
19 No , do n't turn over , those of you about to say : " But I do n't dream " .
20 Men , men , mentioned here by our friend , that Leicestershire has got no business to discuss about fox hunting , we are not elusive , there are other county councils who have banned fox hunting on their land , so do not make this as a sacrosanct and or something that Leicestershire are doing , they are not doing first , there are so many other county councils in this country and for your information , I was listening to radio four few days ago , even in Pakistan , a third world country , is banning hunting in their country , we should be ashamed of ourselves here to discuss , I agree with Councillor when the discussion start and he said move for the ward , because the logical thing was to move for the wards rather than discuss , if we all believe that this is horrible , acrimonious and abhorrent in today 's day and age , as the slavery was abhorred two hundred years ago .
21 When we stopped and slowly turned , with our bulging eyes in place , the gang scattered with such blood-curdling screams that we wondered if we had n't overdone it , and felt sufficiently ashamed of ourselves never to use the eyes again .
22 What I have advocated is possible and not just a dream , but it would be remiss of me not to consider the nightmare scenario of colliery closures at a time when we are increasing restructuring grants by £1,000 million .
23 In their friends ' eyes it would have been unreasonably proprietorial of him not to have released her with a minimum of fuss .
24 Trent considered showing one of them how to keep the bows of the Zodiac to the wind in case he had to cast them off but Louis was beside him .
25 She had seen him surrounded by people shouting and screaming , ‘ Go on , my son ’ , not one of them down to lose or win as much as Jack , and he 'd just stand there like a beautiful , pale statue .
26 Ianthe picked up a bottle in each hand , then had to put one of them down to ring the front door bell .
27 it was being reorganized and the lady who did it could n't do it any more and would one of us like to take the
28 It would have been parochial of us not to have mentioned it as it is still used in many other countries .
29 The funeral directors ' lobby is very strong ; I suppose it was naïve of me not to have realized before that they would clamp down hard on any wholesaler who dared to step out of line and supply the public direct .
30 It was tactful of you not to say so .
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