Example sentences of "[adj] be follow [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The evening came to an end after about three hours ' dancing , the final speeches being made by the local dignitaries , this being followed by a round of applause for the French people , led by a British Officer .
2 Initial flight of the prototype Iris ( N185 ) took place on June 19 , 1926 , this being followed throughout the summer by a series of trials at the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment ( MAEE ) , Felixstowe .
3 This is followed on the afternoon of Shrove Tuesday by processions of individuals in fancy dress — adults and lots of children .
4 Some Latin American social scientists working on the topic have suggested a two-stage process , in which the penetration of capitalism initially leads to an increase in wage-earning workers , but this is followed by a stage of the intensification of capitalism , characterised by deproletarianisation and semi-proletarianisation ( Miró and Rodríguez 1982 ) .
5 No planting is undertaken without the addition of compost in the planting hole , and this is followed by a surface mulch .
6 This is followed by a period during which he is trapped in London 's underworld of pickpockets , burglars , safe-breakers , and prostitutes , although the fence Fagin , who exploits these lesser criminals , is unable to destroy his innocence .
7 This is followed by a question on how it will change over the next twelve months .
8 First of all there is a phase of population increase , where mortality is low and adult body size is up to 50 per cent larger than normal ; the resulting high density promotes dispersal , shortens the breeding season , and delays sexual maturity in juveniles ; and this is followed by a phase of decline , which may be rapid or spaced over one to two years , and during which mortality is high and adult size decreases .
9 This is followed by a consideration of bone breakage using a number of indices developed for this purpose .
10 This is followed by a clause in which there is a general damnatio and also a general trust that the legacies in the will be paid .
11 This is followed by a trust clause providing for payment of the legacies in the ‘ earlier will ’ ( legata quae priore testamento quo filios et Seium heredes scripsi reliqui praestari volo ) .
12 Six months are spent studying at an Institut Universitaire de Technologie specializing in Marketing , Management/Personnel or Computing , and this is followed by a 3-month integrated work placement .
13 This is followed by a tour of the National Stud ; Mares and foals can be seen until the end of July ; the stallions are viewed and the routine of the Stud is fully explained before returning to the museum at approximately 1600 .
14 This is followed by a discussion of the possible reasons .
15 This is followed by a series of filters and scrubbers .
16 This is followed by a 12-minute session on the heavy bag and Davies gets his own back , hammering Eubank 's abdominal muscles with a medicine ball before the session finishes with 20 minutes skipping .
17 On the undulating ridge there is a sharp descent — through Wyche Cutting — but this is followed by a fair climb to Herefordshire Beacon .
18 This is followed by a midday feed and another rest , which is in turn followed by a prolonged evening feed .
19 This is followed by a discussion of the impact the 1981 Act has had on the notion of partnership .
20 This is followed by a look at the structure of some plants and trees and hints on composition .
21 This is followed by a horizontally scrolling scene featuring a dragon flying over a rocky landscape ( it would look a bit silly if it were cycling over it ) .
22 This is followed by a lavish one hundred pages of black and white photographs , all based on the set of bronzes owned by the Musée d'Orsay .
23 This is followed by a fine performance of the symphony itself , not electrifying , but made satisfying by an unusually full recording made in the New York Manhattan Center in 1961 .
24 This is followed by a brief introduction and two short chapters on the theory and practice of homoeopathy , the potency to use and what dose to give .
25 This is followed by a description of the shortcomings of provision at that time , a statement of aims and objectives and a projection for how these were to be achieved against the background of the staff , PTA and governing body involvement described earlier , and the investment of £5,000 from 1982/83 capitation in refurbishing .
26 This is followed by a listing of more detailed criteria relating to one aspect : place value .
27 This is followed by a brief and selective representation of the forms of racism identified within the education system .
28 This is followed by a brief outline of the continental legal system to which critics have turned for a solution to our problems .
29 This is followed by a number of others including Thomas Cook , Thomson 's ‘ World Wide ’ label , and the more recent tobacco brand Silk Cut/Meon Travel 's ‘ Far Away ’ entry .
30 This is followed by a discussion of the available evidence on the speed and degree of the arbitrage response to a violation of the no-arbitrage condition .
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