Example sentences of "[adj] the way to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She sighed , but decided that unless she wanted to stand all the way to Oxford , she had no other choice .
2 It was the third day after she had dressed , gone out , without wearing her underclothes , into her car , driving on the main road through Tadley , driving all the way to Kingsclere , knocking at the front door of the home of a woman who was almost a stranger , going into a house that she hardly knew .
3 The lane wound in wide loops all the way to Applewick , but by footpath there was a short cut across a field , through a wood , and then across another field , which came out only a few yards beyond the low bridge .
4 Already there are suggestions from Australia that the Raiders ' post-Grand Final party lasted all the way to Manchester , in other words that their preparation for the game was not as dedicated as it might have been .
5 She lived in Salford and was so poor that she often had to walk all the way to Manchester to rehearse .
6 They had a variety of musical instruments , including violins , and my Grandfather Tallentire created quite a stir locally in later years by travelling all the way to Manchester to hear the Brothers Hamburg play .
7 The company collects cans in bulk from seven " aggregation centres " spread across the country , where merchants receive " factory gate " prices without incurring the costs of delivery all the way to Warrington .
8 The ride itself was reasonably uneventful , a marvellous tailwind pushing us all the way to Royston for the first seventy miles , then pushing us back to Royston for the next hundred miles .
9 So we did n't have to go all the way to Lime Street , Liverpool , Chapman , with his characteristic attention to such details , had arranged for the train to make a special stop at Edgehill Station , to give us a better chance of getting home the same night .
10 ‘ He is in for one hell of a battle and we will take him all the way to court if we have to . ’
11 All the way to Plenty … what 's that , three , four hours subjective ? ’
12 He and Bouilhet play at imagining themselves old men , patients in some hospice for incurables : ancients who sweep the streets and babble to one another of that happy time when they were both thirty and walked all the way to La Roche-Guyon .
13 But in her relief Nenna forgot the quiet reasonable remarks which she had rehearsed at the bus stops , and in the buses , all the way to Stoke Newington .
14 There was not a pretty face in sight so I sulked all the way to Dover .
15 Jim Moodie , who was rather a surprise winner of the earlier 600cc , showed he had lost none of his talent when leading all the way to out-gun Brian Reid with third place going to another Scot Ian Simpson .
16 ‘ Are you thinking of going all the way to Morocco ? ’ he asked , with his even white teeth shining as he smiled and dived down like a dolphin around her .
17 But while the G60 engine is electronically strangled at 6200rpm , the Calibra 16v is willing to go all the way to 7000rpm .
18 When the chicks are reared , some go down the west coast of the Americas all the way to Patagonia .
19 The driver could take me all the way to Inverness if I wanted .
20 Imagine going all the way to Inverness for a pint of milk …
21 Clwyd North West MP , Rod Richards , became concerned over complaints from constituents that they had to travel all the way to Wrexham for benefit agency tribunal hearings .
22 European partners that currently have to send their systems all the way to Los Angeles for testing will now be able to use facilities in Dublin .
23 If a walk is taken into the higher fastnesses of the glen , as may quite easily be done for several miles , more and more appear in succession ; indeed , there is a through route for walkers , not available to those who have to return to parked cars , all the way to Loch Treig and Corrour Station : a memorable expedition .
24 That English tradition of the amateur is of course a long one , and by no means ignoble , reaching back as it does through John Morley to Walter Bagehot , to Burke , to Addison , and so all the way to Philip Sidney and the Renaissance all-round man .
25 Although the weather today looked ideal , the forecasts perfect all the way to Scotland .
26 At the bottom was a large , almost deserted caravan park which , being private property , I had to skirt round to find a track through the rolling scrub-dotted dunes that fringe the beach all the way to Burry Holm .
27 The dancer , on her way back to the United States , took Dana in her VW to Lisbon , Porto and Bilbao , where I met them , then we drove all the way to Paris .
28 Her mother had reacted to the subject in a predictable way , and had expatiated at some length about the absurdity of taking a dress all the way to Paris and back for the sake of one evening 's amusement , but in the end she had consented to do something about it .
29 It 's auto-route all the way to Paris .
30 ‘ Why bother going all the way to Paris to do it ? ’
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