Example sentences of "[adj] be [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Save where the Rules or the Funds Rules 1987 provide otherwise , all monies due are paid to the party in whose favour there is a judgment or Order ( Ord 22 , r 1A ) .
2 In one of the most outspoken statements ever made by a Metropolitan Police officer of his rank , he says : ‘ The council has been ensuring that as many cases as possible are referred to the SMG , a pernicious organisation spewing out lies and propaganda in pursuance of their own ideological aims .
3 In the USA it is estimated that about 80 per cent of collective agreements are confined to employees of a single company and about two-thirds are limited to a single plant ( Cohen , 1975 ) .
4 The Lanc that been allocated to the RAF Museum was PA474 and after the end of its active life it was flown into the Museum 's storage and restoration facility at Henlow on September 25 , 1964 , to await the opening of a new museum .
5 Gardeners looking for something different are turning to a new hobby … growing meat-eating plants .
6 Half are going to the regions , especially the south-west .
7 Of those recommendations , about half are addressed to the Government ; the other half are addressed to industry itself .
8 As these factors are examined it is important to bear in mind that a major advantage to the builder is that the financial risks of employing labour direct are transferred to the sub-contractor .
9 Some are fitted to the accessory shoe on the top of camcorders and operate off their own battery supplies .
10 The fear of Cardiff 's rivals is that , without the same resources , they can only lose in a transfer war , and some are looking to the Welsh Rugby Union for legislative salvation .
11 Although many kinds of trace fossil are known from a long geological time span , some are confined to the Cambrian and could record extinct body plans , as well as details of early metazoan activities such as locomotion and feeding .
12 Who thought of them can only be imagined , but it is obvious that some are attributed to the physical build or character while others have probably got connections with the work they did , terms which have died with them .
13 Some communities have a number of branch houses , containing perhaps only three or four members , and some are reduced to a handful of elderly professed members .
14 Some are added to the drinking water , others are given in the feed .
15 Moreover the number of universities in Joseph 's dominions had by 1790 been reduced to a mere three ( Vienna , Louvain and Pest ) and these had been forced to concentrate on such useful subjects as medicine and law and virtually to end the teaching of luxury ones such as foreign languages .
16 For continuity it is also required that and , so d 1 and d 2 are constrained to the range .
17 In this way , further exact solutions for colliding plane waves may be obtained by combining particular components from any of the series V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 and V5 and by choosing the arbitrary constants such that ( 10.83 ) where k 1 and k 2 are constrained to the range ( 7.13 ) .
18 It may thus be observed that the constants k 1 and k 2 are restricted to the range satisfying ( 9.9 ) It is also appropriate to choose ( 9.10 ) to achieve the usual flat metric ( 3.6 ) in region I.
19 But eventually the French are reduced to a small band , and Roland realizes that he did wrong to send his faithful followers to death by his proud refusal to blow the oliphant .
20 I have a Turner drum winch ( ex-MOD 1964 ) which i-powered from the starting handle dog Can this be fitted to a 90 County diesel ?
21 But how far can this be applied to the people of Roman Britain ?
22 The original enquiries about this were directed to the County Surveyor 's Department , but I now understand that the work on the boundary sign was done on behalf of the County Planning Department .
23 The reasons for this were linked to the financial relationship between central and local government .
24 If the court appoints an insolvency practitioner to prepare a report , a copy of the order and the petition and statement of affairs must be sent to him , and the court must also fix a venue for the report to be considered with notice of this being given to the practitioner and the debtor ( r 6.44 ) .
25 The nickname here is Rangi , this being given to the person for his prowess with a cricket bat and was so called after an Indian cricketer while another Upper Halling nickname was No Cut Mitchell , this being for his skill in hair cutting .
26 These crash boats made a great noise , and part of the plan was to fly Anson aircraft overhead as the run was made to the beach , this being timed to a nicety .
27 The study is based upon both statistical sources and on a detailed questionnaire , concerned with materials handling activities , this being distributed to a cross section of South Wales Companies .
28 It was not officially ‘ discovered ’ until the 1970s , when a few were brought to the United States .
29 For example , some were moved to the edges of the older urban cores as a result of the construction of peripheral public-housing schemes in the 1960s and early 1970s .
30 Many of the vehicles found their way back to the West , some were delivered to the Middle East and some to the Soviet Union .
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