Example sentences of "[adj] be [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , not all " freelance staff " are self-employed and some are employed by an agency .
2 Or might this be regarded as an intrusion on people 's right to worship as they saw fit ?
3 The Russian frontier , running some 1,450km/900mls from Memel on the Baltic Sea to the Bukovina in northern Romania , was highly vulnerable to a German attack southward from East Prussia , especially if this were matched by an Austrian advance northward from Galicia .
4 She should n't enjoy this being treated like an invalid , she knew .
5 Labour in the north of Britain and the Conservatives in the south have so many safe seats that they can suffer a loss of popular votes without this being translated into an equivalent loss of seats .
6 Equally , I suspect a good few were left with an uneasy feeling in the pit of their stomachs .
7 Despite the recession , which my right hon. Friend the Chancellor made clear is coming to an end , our national wealth is 23 per cent .
8 This is followed by an extensive section on the optimisation of column variables , although it does lack details of the increasingly useful column temperature control technique .
9 This is followed by an assessment of the alternative means of funding .
10 This is followed by an exploration of certain circumstances which may present a particular set of difficulties for clients , their families and the social worker .
11 The high ground continues eastwards , the twin Sgurr Choinnichs being next in line ; this is followed by an upland area known as the Grey Corries , so called because of the pallid appearance of the scree-covered upper slopes and summits of the peaks above .
12 This is followed by an audio-visual presentation ; then comes the traditional moh lam drama .
13 There is therefore no point in providing residential care unless this is followed by an intensive discharge rehabilitation programme .
14 This is followed by an overflow event and then the main event over the triangular 650 metre circuit of Wellington St. , Church St. and Mill St. Mike Bell from the Merseyside team won in 1990 , lapping all but two of the field in the process .
15 This is followed by an a view of the impact multimedia may have on traditional information industry sectors such as print-on-paper publishing , bookselling and library services .
16 This is followed by an initial request for project authorization which will need to describe the project briefly , indicate approximate costs and likely benefits and contain an estimate of the cost of a feasibility study and its timing .
17 Therefore , where the vendor and purchaser are both wholly owned subsidiaries of a third company and the vendor sells assets to the purchaser at an under value , it is suggested that to the extent the value conferred on the purchaser comes out of the vendor 's capital as opposed to distributable profits , then this is treated as an unlawful return of capital by the vendor to the third party holding company .
18 If this is done as an exercise or in an educational context , this is fine .
19 In construction this is done through an arm of the factory inspectorate , and in retail through local authority environmental health officers .
20 It should be noted that this is done without an image being displayed .
21 In the current state of the British economy , this is seen as an important source of foreign currency .
22 In line with the whole spirit of ERA , indicated earlier , this is seen as an incentive to schools to attract and retain pupils .
23 The Secretary for State for Education can not withhold permission to publish and this is seen as an important sign of the independence of HMI .
24 This is seen as an important means of getting away from the elitist concept and encouraging everyone to take a longer view , even if his or her immediate task involves short-term objectives .
25 If this is viewed with an optimism that assumes and seeks ultimate order , then the artist , the technologist , the scientist , each in his way a designer of things , are embarked upon a common voyage .
26 But Miller 's analysis of his example also invites us to consider in more detail how this is related to an individualist interest .
27 Each student has substantial scope for individual decision-making , and it is vital that this is exercised on an informed basis , fully utilizing the qualities of choice and flexibility inherent in the Course .
28 This is achieved by an amendment to s 250 of the 1985 Companies Act .
29 This is achieved by an operation known as ‘ scanning ’ .
30 This is asked as an avid fan of Landies and being a disabled driver .
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