Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh pn] [vb past] up the " in BNC.

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1 Only a small section of the labouring poor was wholly or permanently dependent on poor relief , predominantly the old , the sick and the orphaned who made up the " impotent " as opposed to the " able-bodied " .
2 It was the Scottish King Ewen III who dreamt up the idea of the right of the first night , around the year 875 .
3 One of the letters , to Val Hulme of ABC , said : ‘ I have met many innocent men inside this building of darkness , many who gave up the fight a long time ago .
4 For a great many others , however , particularly those who made up the largely illiterate and religiously unsophisticated rural masses , it brought insufficient comfort and left them feeling powerless in the face of disaster .
5 The inhabitants of Tali-fu are mostly Min Chia , a population with a distinctive language of their own , and to Hsu 's personal dismay he was treated as a stranger : " though regarded sympathetically , I was always an outsider , despite the fact that as far as physical appearance is concerned I seemed no different from those who made up the community " .
6 To the general public , understandably , it was not always clear whether the creation of a Commonwealth involved a grand gesture of renunciation on Britain 's part , or a grand gesture of affirmation on the part of those who took up the option .
7 Certainly some people , particularly those who drew up the initial list of candidates , tried to gain advantage by appealing to tribal loyalties , but that led them to include candidates who were not Zuwaya , or not Magharba , in the hope of widening their mass appeal .
8 Indeed those who drew up the blue-print for the Common Market in the 1956 Spaak Report sought to make available to Europeans those advantages so long enjoyed by US manufacturers in the USA 's single market .
9 As Paul-Henri Spaak was later to remind the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe in 1964 , ‘ Those who drew up the Rome Treaty … did not think of it as essentially economic ; they thought of it as a stage on the way to political union ’ .
10 Had they failed , Martin and his men — i.e. those who dreamt up the match schedules — would have had enough egg on their faces for a thousand omelettes .
11 At the time of the James Committee 's deliberations two research programmes were gaining educators ' attention which confirmed the anxieties of those who set up the Committee .
12 The economy was not expanding in such a way as to absorb them in work , even if mothers of young children , children themselves , the aged and the disabled who made up the bulk of out-door paupers , had been able to take advantage of such expansion .
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