Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh pn] [verb] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So far as is known it had never been loaned for exhibition , it had never passed through an auction room and those few who had been fortunate enough to see it had done so at the private house in Oxford where it had been in the possession of the same family for many years .
2 An increasing number of women , perhaps career women in their 30s who have been regular Pill users for several years , may wish to check if they are ovulating before planning the timing of a pregnancy .
3 The impact , according to Henning Albrechsten , president of Telecottages International who has been involved in their development since the outset , was immediate .
4 To all who 've been involved in setting this thing up a big thanks .
5 It is perhaps worth remembering that the Beveridge Report was published as early as 1942 ; it embodied the aspirations of so many who had been disappointed by the failure of Lloyd George 's ‘ land fit for heroes to live in ’ to materialise .
6 It was not only that enclosures forced some small-holders into the ranks of the landless and into wage-dependency for the first time ; it was also the case that many who had been able partly to support themselves from small-holdings supplemented by access to common grazing for a beast or two lost that element of independence .
7 Although Wallinger makes quite a straightforward , if powerfully direct , rock noise there are many who have been impressed by his abilities as a natural communicator — especially at his live shows .
8 Up to now , it has been argued , many who have been able to influence the consumption of fuel in non-domestic buildings ( by altering the heating , lighting or ventilation in their own immediate environments ) have not been responsible for paying for the fuel which they consume .
9 Meanwhile , the probable and longer-term human consequences of a growing emphasis upon the efficient competitive selection and of a commitment to the formula ( IQ + Effort = Merit ) disconcerted those who had been content to march under the banners of equal educational opportunity , free access to grammar schools , and the end of nepotism .
10 The charity , the 26th April Foundation ( formed by those who had been involved in putting out the reactor fire and evacuating the immediate area ) , planned to send ten children for a month- long ‘ trial ’ visit .
11 Members who had been earlier supporters of television were confirmed in their views ; those who had been uncertain found themselves in favour ; several original opponents became supporters .
12 It was not undertaken in 11 of those who had been subject to suffocation , five referred before the po 2 monitor was available , four patients >1 year with infrequent events , two for whom social problems resulted in a prolonged hospital stay , and one who died before admission .
13 Those who had been obliged to pay for their own lunches had managed to keep awake ; those who had been the beneficiaries of hospitality of one kind or another , had dozed gently , helped by the lights and the warmth of so many .
14 Dr Kepepwe assured me active steps were being taken to trace those who had been intimate with me during the ten blank years : my parents , my academic colleagues .
15 Some thirty graduates of the degree came together for an excellent meal in University House , followed by an informal update from one of the joint organisers of the reunion , Keith Moffitt , on the whereabouts of those who had been unable to attend .
16 Along with the hundred copies Hannah dealt with the following day for those who had been unable to reach Skipton the staggering figure of five hundred books were signed .
17 A few , those who had been last in the line , turned their horses in time and rode for Ruthyn to carry the news , and were not hindered in their going .
18 The Hyde Housing Association , responsible for the site , had already drawn up a list of people ‘ with strong connections with Medstead — basically those who had been resident in the village for over five years , or former residents who had moved away and wished to return , ’ said Mr. Winter .
19 Peace and order on the empirical plane is established and maintained through a series of tultulan , ‘ collective discussions ’ , in which the unruly emotions of those who have been involved in quarrelling ( garisugan , ‘ mutually aggressive acts ’ ) are brought back until order and peace , uway , is restored .
20 In this Update , we hear from some of those who have been involved in the first year of the general SVQ pilot : students , teachers , lecturers , and trainers , as well as senior staff in colleges , schools , and training centres .
21 As we near the end of this fist piloting year , we at SCOTVEC would like to extend our congratulations and thanks to all those who have contributed to its success : the teachers , lecturers , and trainers , the pupils , students , and trainees , and all those who have been involved in planning and implementing the new awards .
22 Of those who have been married thirty years or more , only 4.3 per cent divorce .
23 Considerable evidence shows that , to date , those who have been successful through industrialisation and urbanisation have not been an independent , dynamic and progressive force in Latin America , but why ?
24 Those who have been successful in their applications to the GEP have come from a wide range of backgrounds .
25 Those who have been successful may carry on with the course , and need to be registered with the BIE .
26 In this context it is noted that there tend to be high rates of drop-out associated with part-time study , and those who have been successful will have displayed the commitment and capabilities necessary for success in higher education .
27 Those who have been gallant enough to go ‘ mad ’ for the rest of us are supposed to stay mad , otherwise it threatens our belief that craziness is ‘ out there ’ .
28 But what we can not accept is that those who have been prepared to co-operate thus far with the P.C.A. , now knowing as a result of this court 's widely publicised recent judgment of the grave suspicions presently surrounding the police officers concerned , would truly prefer to remain anonymous and watch these officers prosper in their libel action , than that their statements should be disclosed to C.N.L. with a view to their being proofed and , if necessary , called as witnesses in defence .
29 Amongst those who have been appalled by the bolting is local activist Malcolm Baxter .
30 Those who are alienated from the institutions of authority and the state are certainly more prepared to break the law than those who are not ; among those who have been unemployed , the effect is +0.140 , and among those who have not it is +0.171 , an average effect of +0.155 .
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