Example sentences of "[adj] [is] [verb] [to-vb] a " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes this is done to present a biased picture of progress for domestic approval ; sometimes the opposite is needed to support a request for foreign aid .
2 A national curriculum centrally determined is about to be imposed on the schools , and this is bound to encapsulate a philosophy of education , its nature and purpose , that arises directly out of the discontents of the last twenty years .
3 This is argued to have a potentially destabilizing effect on the stock market .
4 This is intended to give a clear idea of what the module is about .
5 This is intended to publish a wide range of action research and related studies , with the aim of making their outcomes widely available and exemplifying the variety of possible styles of reporting ( ie not just another narrow , jargon-laden talking shop for academics ) .
6 This is said to reflect a touch of panic among certain high-yielding income fund managers , pole-axed by the likes of Royal Insurance and Lonrho chopping pay-outs .
7 This is expected to provide a considerable boost to BA volumes .
8 This is expected to provide a considerable boost to BA volumes .
9 ‘ I know this is going to sound a bit silly , but in a way it was because of her that I came here . ’
10 This is going to take a bit of brainwork . ’
11 This is going to take a long time , ’ said Tony .
12 This is going to take a while .
13 This is going to take a bit of getting used to . ’
14 We have come to realize that many of us will not see the improvements in our quality of life , as this is going to take a long time .
15 This is going to make a frightful mess of my suit , ’ he said to Leila with another dazzling smile .
16 Right Jade , I 'm going to have a look in your ears , and this is going to tickle a little bit .
17 This is starting to become a trend in Britain as well , although the planning system which encourages standard development is to some extent acting as a block .
18 This is meant to convey a sense of security and privacy : the drawbridge is pulled up and the portcullis is dropped .
19 This is thought to reflect a selection bias .
20 Any committee interested is invited to send a representatives to the Annual General Meeting to be held at Pelaw Social Club on Saturday March 28 at 10.30am .
21 Gluckman quotes one example of this from the ethnographic literature , an analysis of African village life in which gossiping between one lineage and another is believed to introduce a risk of sorcery .
22 There are of course parliamentary questions , although individual members of the Bundestag may only ask Kleine Anfrage ( small questions ) : a quorum of 26 is need to ask a Grosse Anfrage ( major question ) and these require a fuller reply .
23 ANYONE interested in forming a Petersfield group of Amnesty International is invited to attend a meeting in the Exhibition Room of the County Library in The Square on Tuesday at 7.30 p.m .
24 4 is intended to give a general picture of provision it is not exhaustive ; some of the variants and sub-divisions of subject headings ( such as types of history or engineering ) have been conflated in order to reduce the overall length of the list .
25 The latter is thought to cause a reduction in blood flow and may predispose to perforation .
26 So , for instance , the promoter of a Bill may state that Clause 1 is not intended to cover X because X is covered by Clause 2 , and the Clause 3 is intended to implement a Community obligation ; yet , as a matter of law , X may not be covered by Clause 2 and there may be no obligation in Community law .
27 Where the user takes advantage of the voluntary vision screening programme and as a consequence of vision defects at the viewing distances used specifically for the display screen work concerned is recommended to have a full eyesight examination by an ophthalmic optician , then during this interim period , the user will be permitted to use an ophthalmic optician of their own choice .
28 So each one of those is going to have a a name of its own
29 Manx is planning to launch a three-flights-a-day service from Stansted to Manchester on April 19 and also has a licence to fly to Belfast .
30 Here is the kind of letter you will write for a reference : re Mr John Smith The above is proposing to take a lease of certain residential premises at an annual rent of £ and maintenance charges at present £ , and he has supplied your name as a reference .
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