Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] down to the " in BNC.

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1 She was always writing on little pieces of paper , which she kept in a locked drawer in her room , and every morning she got up surprisingly early to go down to the kitchen .
2 After seven hours of rock hopping and scree climbing we were glad to slide down to the mist-covered mountain lake to pitch our tent .
3 It was this loco that regularly worked the 17.09 two coach local from Chesterfield to Sheffield in 1962 , and after school it was customary to go down to the station and wait for it to arrive light engine .
4 Only specialist engineers are likely to go down to the level of AND gates and NOR gates , and only physicists will go down further , to the level of how electrons behave in a semiconducting medium .
5 In recent times I have been able to go down to the hostel , where my good friend Richard Megson gives me the opportunity to wash in lovely hot water .
6 From there she 'd be able to go down to the lakeside if she chose , or else pick up one of the shore paths that would take her further into the valley .
7 ‘ You are reluctant to go down to the hall , demoiselle ?
8 ‘ I 've knitted you a tracksuit , dear — now you 'll be able to jog down to the shop when I need more yarn . ’
9 As he sipped his wine in the bright , busy square , he thought that although the language was certainly a problem and one that he would have to continue to struggle with , it only provided him with an excuse , really , an excuse for why he had not been able to get down to the job of looking for Elsie .
10 ( On most types of training glider it will be possible to get down to the pre-stall buffet and continue with either a slight rocking of the wings or a very gentle inner wingdrop . )
11 Curzon was more difficult to drive down to the provinces .
12 Students seem much more inclined to knuckle down to the work and not get involved in quite such dramatic protests as they were before .
13 Well , all those things had gone in the parcels , parcels that Kathleen had been obliged to carry down to the post office in five separate journeys , parcels that were heavy and had cost altogether two pounds four shillings to send .
14 And he 'd got round the corner , ready to go down to the rest of the stairs which went down , and then at the bottom turned round the corner again .
15 But it 's a fair distance to walk there and it is , I suppose , a lot handier to pop down to the reservoir .
16 Social workers and their managers are clearly ready to knuckle down to the task of making the policy work for users .
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