Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But that pleasure was tinged with sadness because his mother , Joanna , is n't alive to see him in a role he might have been born to play .
2 At Aintree he beat The Thinker just over seven lengths and is due to meet him on the same terms , although Jimmy Frost , his rider , may put up a pound or two more than the minimum 10st .
3 Dr Mackintosh had left for the weekend , but Dr Lange , the literary one , would be free to see him in the morning .
4 And anyway , if somebody is too forthright and says what he really thinks you might feel impelled to hit him with a brick .
5 Bob Calder , that ass , was more than willing to accept him as a man who knew all there was to know about women .
6 Signor Valenti was willing to accept him as a son-in-law .
7 Since Schorne was described in an episcopal record in 1273 as a subdeacon and became an incumbent with cure of souls at that time , it is probably wrong to identify him with the namesake collated by Archbishop John Peckham [ q.v. ] to the rectory of Monks Risborough ( Buckinghamshire ) on 24 September 1289 , a man who had been ordained subdeacon on the title of that benefice just twelve days earlier in Kent .
8 I had in mind Vladimir Nabokov , if you 're willing to consider him as an American writer , John Barth , Richard Brortigan , Robert Coover. erm As I say they 're all writers who might come under the heading of , of postmodern meta-fiction writers who do not take for granted that fiction has a , a direct and clearly understandable relationship with society so that it can erm give you a very clear picture of society at a given moment , which was generally the case in the , with British fiction in the nineteenth century .
9 I do n't really understand what he 's doing , but it 's OK to watch him for a bit .
10 Henry 's anti-papalism was based on the belief that the pope had wrongfully usurped the spiritual and temporal power which had traditionally belonged to the kings of England , and while he therefore rejected the pope 's claim to jurisdiction in England , he was prepared to regard him as the rightful Bishop of Rome .
11 Indeed , many of John 's contemporaries were prepared to regard him as the Messiah .
12 Well I mean there was an incidence where erm maybe a guy who did n't clean himself very often they would er a whole group of guys would find it funny to take him into the toilet erm fill a bath up with half with water , put bleach in it erm excrete in it , urinate in it and put him in hit , hit him with ba erm brushes , all kinds of stuff like that .
13 If he put up a scheme , you would be willing to follow him to the ends of the earth to ensure its fulfilment .
14 While we have examined Oakeshott as a conservative thinker therefore we must be careful to distinguish him from the religious conservatism of Burke and from the mainstream forms of conservatism which Huntington identified in the aristocratic and situational theories as ideological defences of the ancien régime or of established institutions .
15 Our white 's qualities would certainly tend very much to preserve him to a good old age , and yet he would not suffice in any number of generations to turn his subjects ' descendants white …
16 ‘ Nobody 's finding it very easy to meet him at the moment , ’ said Charlotte .
17 One said it was pointless to put him on a waiting list , but letters from a grain merchant 's and from Littlewood 's Pools promised to file his application and interview him when he returned home .
18 " My contribution , " he said , perhaps anxiously , to his daughter , who found it almost impossible to kiss him across the barrier made by these objects and her own girth .
19 There was no indication of any desire on the part of the appellant to change his behaviour , and it was considered unsafe to release him into the community .
20 The matter in question may be so complex and technical , the conflict so acute , and the customer 's understanding and experience so limited , that , however full any disclosure made to him , it is impossible to place him in a position where he has sufficient comprehension of the issues and consequences of consenting to enable him to give binding consent .
21 She thrust her chin upward in mock anger , delighted to have him on the defensive .
22 It had been impossible to thwart him under the glare of media attention back at the restaurant , and she was still trying to decide how to deal with the situation if he wanted to come in with her when they reached her apartment — and she knew he would want to .
23 If Peter is actually a ‘ tough ’ whose nickname means ‘ Rocky ’ , is it not possible to equate him with the fierce individual known as Simon Zelotes or Simon the Canaanite — to equate him , that is , with Simon the Zealot ?
24 The novice flyer will normally require that the model 's response to the transmitter is at a minimum , to avoid any tendency to overcontrol , while the gyro has as much effect as possible to help him during the learning process .
25 Charity 's friends were hardly likely to accept him on the strength of a short acquaintance with the nursery slopes at Wengen .
26 There was a Captain Dennis Babbage whose hobby was Bradshaw , the famous railway time-table ; and anyone who had a journey to make was welcome to consult him about the easiest ( or most interestingly complicated ) route to take .
27 Somehow it was hard to imagine him in the gym .
28 ‘ It is a pretty distinctive looking donkey and the person who has him is hardly likely to parade him around the countryside .
29 Handling it in this way is likely to leave him with a sense of confusion and resentment .
30 There is , indeed , so much vigour in the playing that it is hard to credit him with the age the dictionaries seem to agree on ( he was six months short of his 75th birthday when he made these recordings ) .
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