Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was due to go up to the Blue Mountains that morning and she started having pains , she said .
2 The former James Bond star got stagefright only weeks before the curtain was due to go up on the original West End show and made a shock exit .
3 I think Chris Patten is right to stand up to the Chinese , even though it may make very little difference in the end .
4 We were up early the next morning at 06.00 to go up to the station to catch the 07.19 Leighton - Euston train , which is a semi-stopper , it took an hour to get there .
5 And of course Mr our salesman er he took it up to that big estate and er Mr had got too old to go up to the shooting on the horse you know .
6 For many Arabs the invasion of Kuwait confirmed Saddam as the foremost pan-Arab nationalist leader and the first Arab ruler since Egypt 's Abdel Gamal Nasser who was fully prepared to stand up to the USA .
7 I shall not sleep , she told herself , I must not sleep , and shivered in her nightdress on the edge of the single bed , afraid to reach up to the hook for her dressing gown .
8 I want James in the front today because the buggy is easier to tip up with the lightest one in the front .
9 intended to stay , because the immediate reaction to something like that happening is n't necessarily erm , all bad , I mean people are quite glad that they are still alive and they 're quite prepared to put up with the possible fallout of the consequences of that so that they can stay in their own homes .
10 Bricks , old tiles , new tiles , quarry tiles , Mexican , French or Spanish tiles , ceramic tiles , slate and even marble facing all look spectacular — provided , of course , that you are prepared to put up with the clattering noise from chairs being pulled up to the table and pushed back .
11 people , is not , are not just opting out of marriage , but they 're not prepared to put up with the situation ,
12 Concrete must be used within four house of mixing , and it is usually easier to keep up with the latter type , which is laid as it is mixed .
13 He arrived at the crowded town square near Bogota and was born shoulder high to climb up onto the back of a truck to make his campaign speech .
14 Now he was prepared to live up to the role .
15 Bobby Robson said : ‘ I spoke to Bryan and he declared himself fit and willing to join up with the party .
16 The signs are that he is prepared to sign up for the emerging versions of both political and monetary union .
17 Major Match was favourite to follow up in the latest running of the Kempton contest , but had a rough time , getting knocked around before trailing in last behind Far Senior .
18 It was exciting to travel up on the night train and to find Granny waiting beside the fire in the hall , as exhilarated by the festivities as any of her grandchildren .
19 I told them , as I tell alumni wherever I meet them , that the best thing you can do for the University is to remember its strengths , and in your normal professional and daily lives to be prepared to speak up on the University 's behalf when you think it is appropriate .
20 It is impossible to creep up on the duck , because its 360 degree vision takes in the slightest movement anywhere around it .
21 It was not easy to grow up under the shadow is over whelming father as he lashed Iran into a nation , Like almost everyone else in Iran , the Crown Prince was very much afraid of him .
22 The courthouse windows were open but the radiators below them were hot ; it took several hours for any changes in setting to make themselves felt through the massive heating system , and it was impossible to keep up with the irrational temperament of the month .
23 I say may be , because cask-conditioned beer is being reinstated so fast in so many pubs that it is becoming almost impossible to keep up with the total .
24 Sleep is commonly disturbed in one way or another : some people nod off as soon as they get home and sit down ; they wake up at midnight with the TV still on — and then ca n't get back to sleep again till 3am ; some people find it impossible to wake up in the morning and getting out of bed is a real struggle ; others are awake at half-past four in the morning with their brains buzzing and churning ; some people find themselves getting very sleepy when difficult or anxiety-making things happen .
25 He had never found it easy to get up in the morning , and being under sentence of death did not make the prospect of a new day any more enticing .
26 The key is not so much to end up with the right plan as to engage in strategic thinking .
27 No , oh , I mean personally I think it would be better for the United Reformed to join up with the shared pastures instead of joining up with the Methodist because the Methodist have got plenty of churches in their area , have n't they ?
28 They proceeded slowly in the afternoon sun , Victoria content to gaze up at the massed conifers as they passed and listen to the rhythmic grating of the eight small horse-shoes on the roadway .
29 Is the , is the projected grant likely to go up at the same rate as in , as in nine ninety four , ninety five ?
30 ‘ If you wanted to find out how an astronaut 's body was likely to stand up to the strain of living on a very , very heavy planet , is there some way of testing it before actually visiting the planet ? ’
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